digital to simplify the care path


Conference: Integrating digital solutions into care and health care paths, what support for users?

The digital tools have become facilitators of the care path, for the benefit of the patient who will better understand his symptoms and therapeutic solutions, and also to serve health professionals who will reach an increased level of communication with their patient.

Users will be able to receive simple and real-time therapeutic education programs via websites, serious games, applications … They will share their experience in patient communities. Outpatient management is improved by digital, and the chronic patient is reassured by the direct link of remote monitoring with his caregivers. The sensitive problem of the dematerialization of personal health data is also on the agenda, towards a reflection on their necessary protection in order to avoid untimely leaks by adapting its degree of vigilance.


Marie-Ange Leophonte, director of the 31CGS Cancer League Sandra Eclancher, nurse coordinator in therapeutic educationDr. Jean Cassagnes, Cardiologist, CGS Cardi-Auvergne Medical DirectorIzette Cazelet, trainer consultant E-healthChristophe Bondini, vice president of the association Formatic SantéPierre Trudelle, project manager – Directorate of Quality Improvement and Safety of Care, High Authority of Health.
