discover our body through smart health connected objects,


Quantified self: what is it for?

Dedicated to quantified self, smart health connected objects are technology concentrates allowing the orchestration of several fundamental data and functions, for preventive or curative purposes.

The smart health connected objects collect information from our body, whether physiological variables such as heartbeat, body temperature, blood pressure, sleep components, fertility, energy expenditure, etc … or many constants related to our way of life, depending on how we move, eat, breathe, in the areas of fitness, well-being and health … Not to mention the data related to medicine such as blood glucose for diabetics, cholesterol levels, the state of fertility, brain activity …

These smart health connected tools can be objects with sensors synchronized with a mobile app from your smartphone, or directly from mobile applications that use the smartphone's sensors to collect this data which is then stored and stored.

What to do with this information collected in large quantities and intimately related to the person? They allow the generation of curves, tables, statistics, very useful to the user to perceive the evolution of its constants over a predefined period of time. In the case of chronic disease, these results are sent in real time to the doctor. For a usage related to the maintenance of the form and the well-being, they will be addressed to the sports coach, nutritional, etc …

Thanks to the data collected with the smart health connected objects, the practitioner can then, even before the next consultation with the patient, have all the information he needs to establish his diagnosis or readjust the treatment in the finest way and therefore the most effective.

The coach will offer programs, sports, personal development or nutritional, fully consistent with the needs of the person closer to its individual, metabolic and psychological.

Health smart health connected objects: who are they for?

  • When using smart health connected objects in the context of leisure and well-being, this knowledge of oneself and one's body enables anyone to perceive the best way for them to practice their favorite sport, to optimize recovery time, to understand it the limits not to be exceeded so as not to put his health at risk. It also helps to respect a diet, change a sleep pattern, adopt healthier lifestyle habits.

  • In health, in chronic patients, the quantified self can shed light on their symptoms, and thus optimize the medical prescriptions that will result. The smart health connected objects are then vectors of facilitation to help the patient to a better observance of his treatment in the perspective of a real efficiency.

The usefulness of the smart health connected objects is placed on the qualitative level, but also on the quantitative level: the capture of the data, whatever is the volume, is done in real time. They are then transmitted and treated by the specialist even before the patient has gone physically to the consultation, which represents a considerable saving of time to fight effectively against the disease.
