discover our three favorite models!


While we still dream of a hoverboard like Marty McFly in Back to the Future, the good old skateboard evolves too. Several companies now offer a smart health connected skateboard. What interest ? Some are autonomous, others move with the phone or body movements. In short, there is something for everyone. Whether you just want to move or flip, discover the perfect model for your city!

Spectra, the smart skateboard

Spectra skateboard connected

The "Tesla" of the smart health connected skateboard. This is Spectra's presentation by the American media. It is electric like many models already on the market. But its innovation is far from stopping there. Its compact and elegant design houses indeed an artificial intelligence able to anticipate your movements by studying your behavior. This use of "machine-learning", which can surprise for a skateboard, actually allows to control it without remote control or smartphone, simply based on the movements of your body. Technology thus allows a kind of homecoming that should certainly convince skateboard fans. Count a speed of up to 25 km / h for 20 kilometers of autonomy.

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Spectra is currently being funded on Indiegogo. The operation launched on May 8 has already raised more than $ 150,000 while the initial goal was $ 50,000. If Spectra interests you, the operation continues until June 8. You will need to pay 299 dollars for the basic version. Count between $ 539 and $ 1199 for the most advanced versions. A specific bag to carry it and a 15-inch Mac is available for $ 79. Deliveries are scheduled from October 2017.

Marbel, the skateboard controllable from an application

marbel skateboard connected

32 km / h top speed. What to move very quickly in the city. Here is the promise of the Marbel skateboard board. Designed in Kevlar and carbon fiber, it is designed for urban transport, especially those saturated by traffic. With its range of 16 km / h, it should allow you to get health home from work without problems and even come back without too much trouble. You can control everything from the application (direction, speed), share your rides with other users and discover how to improve your route.

Fare level, count from 1299 to 1599 dollars depending on whether you prefer the option "Single Drive" or "Twin Drive". Although the project is interesting on paper, we advise you however caution. According to the comments, present on the Kickstarter project page, the company has not yet sent any models ordered since 2014 while she just announced her model 2.0. Better to wait for the moment to see how will resolve the situation before investing.

Bolt, the smart health connected skateboard that saves you from getting tired

bolt skateboard connected

Bolt is the ultimate means of transportation. At least that's what his creators suggest. In the description of the Indiegogo campaign launched in 2015, they explain to what needs meets Bolt. Save time, ideal for the last mile, no problem parking and no energy expenditure. This smart and smart health connected skateboard is 60 centimeters long and 25 wide for a weight of 4 kgs. To use it, you have to launch the application on your smartphone (iOS and Android). It is from this one that one directs Bolt but also that one has access to statistics of use. The remote control alternative is available if you do not have your phone with you. The top speed of the machine is 29 km / h and LEDs can ensure your visibility at night. The range is 10 km and its battery is recharged in 90 minutes.

The operation on Indiegogo was a success but the team seems to have a hard time managing the demand. Some of the backers still have not received their smart health connected skateboard. At present, it seems no longer possible to pre-order. You will have to wait!

Inboard M1: The innovative longboard

Inboard M1 Electric Skateboard

The Inboard Longboard M1 is a gem of technology. The object is equipped with in-wheel motors, integrated LEDs, a splash-proof exterior and an interchangeable battery. This allows you to travel 12 kilometers continuously before having to charge the device 90 minutes. The M1 also allows itself the luxury of having a superb design. The black of the board is attractive and the finishes of the product are excellent. One really has the impression of being in possession of a futuristic object that manages to remain purified externally. For its size of 94x26cm, the longboard remains rather light with its weight of 6.5 kg. Its transport is facilitated by the cover provided with the product.

In terms of performance, the M1 Inboard is not left out. It allows a peak of 35 km / h in advanced mode. Its beginner mode is set to a speed of 8 km / h and the intermediate mode to 22 km / h. The machine emits a real feeling of power by its performance, but also by its size. The latter is sometimes a little too cumbersome in narrow places and we feel that a little lightness has been sacrificed in favor of stability. In addition to the Bluetooth remote control, the Inboard Vision app also allows you to control the M1 Inboard. The main defect of the product is its price, high, even for longboard. However, if you are ready to spend € 1300 for the M1 Inboard, it is almost certain that you will not be disappointed.

Elwing Nimbus Electric: Power and lightness

electric skateboard elwing nimbus

This new Nimbus is the evolution of the first electric skateboard of the Bordeaux brand Elwing. This 2019 vintage has big arguments to make.

The first is the weight / power ratio of the product. The electric skateboard can reach a maximum speed of 32 km / h. The product designed for enthusiasts glide weighs only 4.9 kg, its performance is remarkable. The fluidity and lightness felt on the board are impressive and really give the impression of floating on the road. The Nimbus is also very quiet, which makes its use all the more enjoyable. It is very easily transportable thanks to the handle built into the board. A board of 76 x 23 x 15 cm which ensures stability and comfort whatever the surface.

The remote is easy to use, but some buttons are hidden if used with the left hand. It vibrates when the skateboard is unloaded, which will require a charging time of 90 minutes via USB cable. For just € 500, the Elwing Nimbus is an excellent choice for urban travel.

GolfBoard to give golf a facelift

Golfboard connected skateboard

Hard to know if we can really consider the GolfBoard as a skateboard. In terms of design, we are very far from the classic standards. This is a smart health connected board designed to walk golf courses in a more original way. Farewell the cart, hello board, halfway between skateboard and surfboard, definitely more modern. Easier to use, this board especially allows to adapt to all terrains. A small joystick makes it easy to control. "It's an elite sport. If I had kids I know they would really like to come and play golf if they could move on an electric skateboard at the same time, "says Don Wildman, the creator of the object.

This is clearly a luxury accessory. The basic model is available from $ 6,500. Note that a version intended for urban use, the "ResortBoard" also exists. This time you will need to pay $ 7,950 to buy it. In any case, the company seems to target companies more than individuals.

Do you prefer to wait for the hoverboard to hit the market? To find out everything about flying skateboarding and the various projects that are currently underway, go to our summary article.

