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Sport is one of the sectors where there are the most smart health connected objects. And if it is possible to find the whole range of the perfect cyclist in a smart health connected version, the same is true for fitness. Discover the best fitness innovations and smart health connected objects!

Fitness smart health connected bracelets: Fitbit

In the realm of fitness innovations and smart health connected objects, trackers are king. Among them, Fitbit is doing well. As a benchmark, the Fitbit range has been copied a lot. The principle is simple: sensors integrated into a bracelet to be placed at the wrist. Intended for those who practice fitness, cycling, jogging or swimming, it connects via bluetooth to a smartphone.

It measures data like the number of steps taken and of calories burned, but also the distance traveled. They are also capable of raising your heart rate. Depending on the model, it will have a screen or not to allow you to better follow the information of your sports sessions. For example, the latest model announced, the Alta HR, will offer you to receive your calls, notifications and even a calendar directly on the bracelet.

In addition, Fitbit wristbands are used also at night. he analyzes sleep cycles to figure out how to improve it.

These activity sensors are available for between € 59.95 and € 249.95.

The fitness smart health smart health connected object ecosystem: Under Armor

Why take only one of the smart health connected fitness objects when you can have a complete ecosystem? This is what the Under Armor brand Health Box offers. Fully smart health connected to a smartphone operating under iOS or Android, the box offers a balance, a bracelet and a heart rate sensor.

All this material will allow you to record a lot of data. The bracelet will tell you about calories burned, the distance traveled, the sleep and the Heart beats. It is waterproof and can therefore be used in swimming. The scale will not only give you your weight, but also your Body mass index. Finally, the heart rate sensor is paired with headphones and will allow you to record all the data of your workouts and in particular their intensity.

This smart health connected ecosystem is already available and will cost you 349 €.

The Gymwatch Sensor is also an activity sensor (even if its name suggests a watch). Depending on the exercises performed, it may be placed on the arm, calf or thigh.

Linked to an application for iOS or Android smartphone, it can do the work of two smart health connected fitness objects: either as a simple sensor which saves and sends data on the exercises and the progress made, like a real coach staff. Indeed, you can take advantage of voice instructions for'be more efficient during your exercises and reach your goals faster.

The Gymwatch Sensor is already available for 149 €.

smart health connected fitness clothing: Athos

Athos Base Series is a full line of clothing smart health connected for fitness.

Each part of the line is equipped with a small oval activity tracker weighing 20 grams. These trackers are smart health connected via Bluetooth to an application for smartphone (iOS only) for a period of 10 hours maximum. They analyze electrical activity of muscles during the effort and allow to know the number of series performed for each exercise, the duration of these but also the heartbeat and the speed at which exercises are performed.

So you can see on the app which muscles are used. In order to know if you perform the exercise correctly, application will use a color code and provide real-time advice to help you improve your work. As a good coach, she will also warn you when your body will have reached its limits.

You will have to spend $ 696 for the complete outfit with two trackers.

MBody is shorts smart health connected via Bluetooth to a Android smartphone. Equipped with sensors, it also has a detachable module called MCell. It’s this part that sends the data over the phone. he attaches to the front of the shorts and must be removed before going to the machine.

MBody analyzes the electrical activity of the muscles in order to display on theMBody Live app which muscles are working and at what pace.

Via the application, the user can create your own training programs and see his progress over the days or months. He can also receive advice as for the exercises to be carried out to reach its objectives more quickly.

The shorts are sold commercially at the price of € 890.

The Tera fitness smart health connected mat

Tera Fitness Mat is a smart health connected mat circular in shape with lots of sensors and LED lights. These allowindicate exactly where to place each part of the body.

Via the app, you can follow step by step the movements to be performed, the position to take, duration to hold and how to distribute the weight of your body. All your performances will be recorded in order to see your progress. It will even be possible to choose different degrees of difficulty.

And if you don't feel like doing fitness, the app offersother activites such as the Zumba, Capoeira, stretching

With this myriad of smart health connected fitness objects you will be perfectly equipped for your fitness sessions. And no need to go to the gym for personalized advice.

