
Do you suffer from dark circles and bags under your eyes, whether you slept well or not? This could be due to deep-lying tear troughs. I asked the experts at the Van Rosmalen Kliniek what you can do about this. Read their opinion about suitable treatment methods here.

Your glance is your first impression

You can see a lot from your glance. Are you happy? Energetic? Or do you suffer from dark circles under your eyes, making you look tired. How do those dark circles arise and what can you do about them? In this article we give our vision on treating dark circles or tear troughs.

How do tear troughs and bags develop?

Old age plays a major role in the development of bags under the eyes. They are caused by too much skin or fat. The fat under the eye is held in place by a connective tissue partition. This partition gets weaker as you get older. The eye sockets also become larger as we age and the eyes collapse, as it were, due to loss of volume. This manifests itself in dark circles under the eyes. The already thin skin under the eyelids becomes even thinner over the years due to external factors and discolours due to an increase in pigment. These dark circles can also be hereditary, so you can suffer from them at a young age. If your parents suffer from bags under the eyes, there is a good chance that you will also suffer from it.

What can you do about it?


Deep tear troughs can be treated well with injectables. The dark circle is filled so that it is as high as the fat mound. This makes the depth disappear and creates a beautiful transition in the face. The tired look disappears almost immediately. The result can already be visible between 9 and 18 months after the first treatment. The great thing about this tear trough treatment is that no recovery time is needed after the treatment. There may only be some redness, swelling or a bluish discoloration on the treated areas, but this disappears fairly quickly.


Collagen ensures firm skin. Unfortunately, with age, collagen production declines. The result is thin and sagging skin. The valley (tear trough) and the mountain (hill of fat that has sag) must be rebalanced. When there is a skin surplus, laser can offer a solution. With a laser treatment we tighten the skin under the eyes and stimulate the production of connective tissue and collagen. As a result, the skin thickens and the aging process is slowed down. For best results, approximately three to four treatments are required, each at 4 week intervals. The recovery time is short. Immediately after treatment, the skin may look a bit red and feel warm. But after 1 to 2 days the redness has already disappeared.

Knowing more?

Do you suffer from tear troughs or bags under the eyes and do you want to know more about the treatments? Then make an appointment for a consultation in which you and the cosmetic doctor look at your situation and the treatment that is suitable for you. The Van Rosmalen Kliniek is a specialist in the treatment of tear troughs. In any case, always opt for a clinic that bears the NVCG quality mark and a KNMG cosmetic doctor. This way you know for sure that your skin is in good hands.

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