

Did you know that automated lighting can have a huge impact on your health?

More and more people are trying to be proactive about their health and taking steps to ensure their well-being by doing things like joining a fitness club, buying fresh produce or enjoying outdoor activities. And as the media focuses on technology that promotes sedentary lifestyle, home automation proves that it can also promote improved health. Intelligent LED lighting, in particular, can have a considerable influence on your well-being.

But how to do it?

Here's how to do it:

We all have an internal clock that our body uses to regulate itself. This process of adapting to the time of day is called your circadian rhythm, and it involves much more than just remembering to go to sleep every night. The circadian rhythm is a biological process that teaches our body to naturally adapt to a 24-hour cycle. When our clock is disturbed, our health is threatened.

An intelligent lighting system like the one offered with a complete Control4 system can automatically adjust the lighting fixtures in your home to be in sync with your circadian rhythm. For example, the system could gradually decrease the intensity of the lights at sunset and your body tells you it's time to go to bed. On the other hand, the lights can gradually clear in the morning so that you wake up refreshed and well rested.

Studies show that it's not just the intensity of artificial lighting in a home that can help maintain a healthy circadian rhythm, but also the color of light. The goal is to create a brilliant blue light during the day and a pale red light at night. Smart incandescent bulbs are screwed into sockets just like regular light bulbs. They can emit a rainbow of different colors, controllable by a smartphone application or a home automation system.

In addition to helping you get your rhythm back on track, colored lighting is a verified mood stimulant. Soft, soft, light-colored lights can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, while bright, vivid lights can improve productivity.

This does not mean that you should use colorful lighting throughout your home. The new "tunable" white LED lights can have the same beneficial effects on health. Through an application or home automation system, color temperature and intensity can be adjusted to resemble outdoor lighting. In the morning, the lights can be set to mimic the sunrise, go to a sunny afternoon, then adjust at the end of the day to feel the sun goes down. It's like bringing the outside inside, producing a light that not only looks better, but feels better.

Finally, automated shading, especially shading in the event of a power failure, can be one of the best biohacks to get a good night's sleep and maintain your circadian rhythm. Automated shading can follow a lifting and descending schedule at the same time every day. For example, it can help block the sun so you can go to bed when you should.
