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  • Dr. Jacques Lucas Named President of the Digital Health Agency (formerly Asip Health)

Dr. Jacques Lucas Named President of the Digital Health Agency (formerly Asip Health)


His taking office will be effective from the approval by interministerial decree of the constitutive convention of the ANS.

As a reminder, the ministry announced last April, as part of its roadmap on digital health, the transformation by "December 2019" of the health ASIP to ANS to "strengthen the governance" of the sector.

The agency is described as the "operational arm" of the ministerial delegation of digital health (DNS) which replaced since April the delegation to the strategy of health information systems (DSSIS).

In particular, it must develop the technical foundations of e-health projects in the region, such as interoperability and security standards, identification and authentication mechanisms for professionals, and secure health messaging (MSSanté).

Expert in digital issues

Jacques Lucas left the Cnom in June, after 20 years in the institution in several positions, including that of Secretary General. He has been particularly involved in topics related to digital technologies, contributing to the writing of several white papers on artificial intelligence, telemedicine, the protection of personal data, connected health, or the "e-reputation" doctors.

Quoted in the communiqué of the ministry, he said he was "very honored" to be appointed to the presidency of the ANS "in a very particular context where the digital component of the strategy My health 2022 reaches a milestone".

"Dr. Jacques Lucas has always wanted to move the lines, and we can only rejoice to embark on this ambitious project that is digital health," said Dominique Pon and Laura Letourneau, co-drivers of the DNS also cited.

"This appointment reflects our desire to align all stakeholders, essential to co-build this beautiful building: publishers, start-upers, citizens, associations, institutions and of course health professionals," they added.
