drones to detect fever and cough to the rescue

To help contain the Covid-19 epidemic, special drones that can spot a person with fever or coughing will appear in the sky.

In the fight against the coronavirus, drones are playing an increasingly important role. After a first Review noticed in China with DJI brand models, other countries are starting to use them en masse. One of the oldest manufacturers of these flying machines, Draganfly, has developed a device that may be useful to us at this time.

Drones spot the first symptoms: fever and cough

By embedding heat sensors and a computer vision technology, the Draganfly models detect a fever or a cough. Not only that, but the devices will also be able to measure the cardiac frequency, the rhythm of the breathing or detect a sneeze. Therefore, they could potentially allow remote diagnostics.

This system would be much more efficient than the manual infrared thermometers currently used in frequented places. Indeed, the method will allow scan a large number of people faster. Draganfly plans to use its devices mainly in places that attract people (offices, concert hall, etc.).

First flight to the other side of the world

Draganfly has already benefited from a 1.5 million funding from Australia to equip the country with this model specially designed for this pandemic. To do this, the company will work in collaboration with the University of South Australia and the Australian Department of Defense. The agreement was made under a contract between the company and the Australian government.

Draganfly will therefore deploy its drones to remotely monitoring and detect people with symptoms of respiratory infection or illness: cough and fever. So, the machines will slow down or even stop the spread of the Covid-19.
