Efelya: a digital companion for pregnant women


To avoid and prevent the risks associated with pregnancy, the start-up Efelya is launching its e-health application dedicated to monitoring pregnant women and preventing high-risk pregnancies. Discovery.

A high risk pregnancy is defined by complications during pregnancy and / or childbirth. It is estimated that over 30% of pregnancies are listed as “at risk”. This figure varies greatly from country to country. High-risk pregnancies are dangerous for the mother, but also for the child who can suffer serious irreversible consequences.

It is therefore urgent that progress be made in prevention and screening in order to have a significant impact on the reduction in so-called “at risk” pregnancies. But optimizing the follow-up of a pregnancy remains a real challenge: access to unequal obstetric care, the assessment of obstetric risk often depends on the patrician, difficulties in collecting, storing and analyzing patient medical data.

Worldwide, there are over 300,000 maternal deaths and 2,700,000 infant deaths per year. To medically support pregnant women throughout pregnancy, Efelya launches a digital companion application. Developed by more than 35 healthcare professionals, this application aims to save lives, by accompanying mothers, at any time and wherever they are in the world, throughout their pregnancy by evaluating the risk factors related to the 6 main pathologies of pregnancy.

The Efelya application is a CE marked medical device, which optimizes medical support for pregnant women and newborns. It is based on the evaluation of the risk profile of patients in real time, throughout the pregnancy, to detect an increase in risk as early as possible in order to alert and quickly take charge of the mother-to-be. This application assesses the risk factors linked to the 6 main pathologies of pregnancy using artificial intelligence:

  • Gestational diabetes

  • Hypertension

  • Preeclampsia

  • Premature childbirth

  • Intrauterine growth retardation

  • Maternal bleeding

The Efelya application provides support at all stages of pregnancy, at any time and in all places. The expectant mother receives tailored alerts and recommendations when the risk changes. By aggregating all these metadata, the application also makes it possible to analyze data relating to the health of pregnant women in a broader way in order to improve the prevention and, ultimately, the prediction of obstetric pathologies. “Allowing the implementation of preventive actions as early as possible, and better defining the risks according to the profiles, must have a positive effect on public health costs”, explains Florine Duplessis, CEO of Efelya.

Concretely, the user begins by personalizing her application by performing an obstetric risk assessment Review (between 3 to 5 min), which informs Efelya’s algorithm on the various risk factors. A “Pregnancy Passport” is generated and constitutes a digital medical file which allows the expectant mother to access all her medical history, to provide information and to log medical data such as her symptoms, her weight or her blood pressure.

Very quickly, the application will enrich this digital companion with the addition of digitized medical documents: blood tests, ultrasounds, practitioner reports, etc. The application assesses in real time any change in the patient’s risk profile. and alert if she needs to seek medical advice from her practitioner.

Efelya joined the Swiss eSanté program, Tech4Eva, in April 2021, dedicated to promoting innovative startups specializing in FemTech. Selected from around a hundred international FemTech startups, Efelya benefits from a 9-month acceleration program in order to optimize its growth and international deployment.

Source: Efelya

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