Embr Wave. A thermostat for your body – e-Health Objects


Embr Wave is an object that is going "Blow the hot and cold" to allow you to adapt to the ambient temperature. Developed by MIT researchers in the United States, this ingenious little bracelet is for anyone who has been sweating a lot by getting on the subway one day or starting to chill on start-up. air conditioning in a public space.

Embr Wave will send messages to your brain to combat the sudden sensation of cold or heat. Ultra smart.

This bracelet connected to your wrist will help you regulate your temperature. Just click once or more on a button for the object to send warmth or freshness around your wrist.

The effect is the same as when you glue an ice cube or wet glove on your skin in a heat wave, or when you put your hands near a good fire in the cold weather in winter. The first tests seem very conclusive.

If we are all different from the sensation of cold or hot that we can experience when returning to a place or a room, Embr Wave will adapt to everything in everyone.

The bracelet is worn inside or outside the wrist. It is still a little bulky for my taste, but the effect of well-being is, it seems, spectacular. The idea in any case seems to have convinced many Internet users. The project, which was seeking $ 100,000 in Kickstarter funding, has already earned half a million dollars while there is still a month left until the fundraising campaign is over. What to embark on production comfortably.

The first thermostat bracelets should be delivered next summer.

link: Embr Wave

