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  • Emperors Tea pill Tian Wang Bu Xin Wan Natural health benefits

Emperors Tea pill Tian Wang Bu Xin Wan Natural health benefits

Chinese natural medicine-Emperors tea pill

Special emperors tea pill to tone the heart

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications: insomnia, frequentawakenings, catnap, anxiety, palpitations, mouth sores, memory loss, difficultyconcentrating, nervous fatigue, withdrawal of sleeping pills, tranquilizers,drugs.

In Chinese health philosophy, thispreparation is used to treat nourish Yin of heart and kidney ,mainly dueto mental hyperactivity.

Associated symptoms: red tongue near thetoe.


As this emperors tea pill formula is in differentforms and at various dosages, it is important to follow the manufacturer’srecommendations. Yin tonic should be taken for three to six months. Safe longterm.


Stress, pressure, excessive worries andconcerns hurt the Heart and Kidneys and depleted Blood and Essence, Jing. VoidBlood Heart causes palpitations, anxiety and memory failures. The depletion ofblood causes hyperactivity, Fire Heart, where insomnia or unrefreshing sleep,and difficulty concentrating. Toning Yin, Essence and Heart, nourishing theblood, preparation allows Jing, Water Kidney, to extinguish the fire of theheart to the Spirit again become calm and quiet.

This formula is recommended for people usinganti-anxiety, psychotic, antidepressant, to counteract the side effects ofthese drugs and restore health faster.


This formula is cited in the volume SheSheng Mi (secret studies to gain health) written by the famous physician HongJi (Jiu-You) in 1638. The author said to have received the revelation in a dreamof the heavenly Emperor himself. This is the story that comes the name of thepreparation.


The original formula contains traditionalZhu Sha (cinnabar) which includes a mercury salt. This product has been bannedin Canada.

You can click here to see some emperos tea pillproducts


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