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  • Eurometropolis of Strasbourg laureate of the governmental call for projects "territories of innovation"

Eurometropolis of Strasbourg laureate of the governmental call for projects "territories of innovation"


On September 13, 2019, the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, chose the 24 winners of the Innovation Territories call for projects.

The program relies on a total budget of € 450 million from the Investments in the Future Program (PIA), funded by the Grand Plan d'Investissement (GPI), divided into € 150 million in grants and € 300 million in outlets. holdings in companies with projects.

The aim of the Territories of Innovation system is to bring out in France new models of territorial development, notably by relying on new technologies and digital technology.

In detail, the government has selected 24 co-constructed projects with local actors, local authorities and partners involved in the economic development of the territories, among 117 applications.

Three winning territories have chosen to focus on the health sector: the Strasbourg Eurometropolis with its TSD project, the Meuse department with its e-Meuse health project and the Lorient conurbation with its project "Handicap, innovation , territory ".

The Lorient project has won € 6.9 million in grants and € 22.4 million for the state's investment potential in equity investments and the e-Meuse project will receive € 8.4 million in grants and 18 € 6 million of potential equity investments.

It is therefore the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg which, within the framework of TSD, has won the most important financing with € 10.6 million of direct subsidies from the PIA and € 25 million for the investment potential of the State. in equity investments.

Deploy e-health and reduce the territorial divide

The Grand Est project is based on 34 actions. These must make it possible, among other things, to improve the health of populations through shared digital tools and innovative actions.

These actions carried by various local health actors (start-ups, institutions, hospitals, URPS …) must ensure that they are adaptable at regional and national level through digital.

For this, the Strasbourg community counts on "the industrial power of the partner companies" that it invites to "rely" on a regional platform of innovation in e-health (PRIeSM), which should see the day in March 2020 and aims to accelerate the development of e-health projects through the pooling of a secure technology platform and the provision of expertise to project leaders on topics such as security, the protection of personal data or the issue of interoperability of health information systems.

Specifically, PRIeSM will provide TSD with the digital services foundation for this project, from data warehouses to the interoperability, smart health smart health connected object collection and data science layers.

In addition, the TSD project, whose overall budget is estimated at € 115 million, has yet to find a stable economic model, which will be evaluated by the Bas-Rhin primary health insurance fund (CPAM) and the regional agency. Health Insurance (ARS) Grand Est.

"We want to focus on prevention and do less curative, so we need to find a sustainable economic model and propose it," said Catherine Trautmann, Vice President of the Eurométropole com Strasbourg.

Finally, in relation to the territories and the citizens, the promoters of the Strasbourg project aim to implement "a new model of territorial alliances, making the link between the innovation environment represented by the consortium actors, and the needs and priorities of rural areas, "Eurometropolis said in a press kit.

A large consortium behind the project

If the project leader is Eurométropole com Strasbourg, a consortium of territorial and national health and industrial players has been created for the occasion.

It includes the University Hospitals of Strasbourg (HUS), the University of Strasbourg, the ARS Grand Est, the Institute of Surgery guided by the image of Strasbourg (IHU), the departmental council of Bas-Rhin, the union Regional Health Professionals (URPS) liberal doctors and the URPS of pharmacists.

At the local level, the communities of municipalities of hunchbacked Alsace, Hanau-La Petite pierre, Saverne-Marmoutier-Sommerau, the country of Bitche and Mossig and Vineyard, as well as the city of Saverne, are also members of the consortium .

Finally, the CPAM of Bas-Rhin, the competitiveness cluster of the health sector BioValley France, the regional platform of innovation in e-health pooled (PRIeSM) in particular carried by the GIP Pulsy, France Assos Health, the agency of Grand Est E-nov, and Docaposte are also among the partners.

Docaposte, a digital subsidiary of the La Poste group, is positioning itself as an investor and "is relying on its territorial network to promote the deployment of e-health in the territories", thus detailed to TICsanté Bérengère Ray, director " business, health development "of the subsidiary.

Provider of technological solutions for the PRIeSM program, Docaposte is also embedded in several other TSD actions.
