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  • Extension of the reimbursement to 100% of teleconsultations

Extension of the reimbursement to 100% of teleconsultations

If she was subject to very restrictive conditions of care until March 2020, she saw her conditions of access relaxed and her care drop from 70 to 100% temporarily due to the health crisis linked to the Covid-19. Planned to facilitate the use of telemedicine during a state of health emergency, it has just been the subject of a order dated June 18, 2020 which extends the scope of this relaxation.

Limit movement and spread of the disease

Easier access conditions, removal of the insured person’s participation with 100% coverage by Social Security, medical teleconsultation has become in a few weeks a means of limiting patient movements and therefore reducing the risk of contamination in medical offices.

100% supported until December 31, 2020

Since March 20, the insured had no participation in telemedicine acts. A measure that was to cease when the state of health emergency ended in early July. However, taking into account the still active circulation of the virus, a prescription act of the extension of this care to 100% to extend it ” until a date specified by decree, and at the latest until December 31, 2020

What it changes for healthcare professionals

When your patients find their way to medical offices, this announcement allows you to optimize the movement of patients but also the management of your planning. With teleconsultation, certain reasons (not requiring a clinical examination) can be managed more quickly and safely for everyone. It’s time to organize yourself to carry out your prescription renewals remotely, exam prescriptions and their reading, consultations related to mental state, prescriptions for vaccines, or simply an evaluation consultation before An orientation.