
For this blog, I am regularly in the chair at beauty salons across the country. This time I was a guest at Beauty Bewust in Amsterdam, where I received a treatment with new products from EmerginC. Do you read how that was?

Beauty Conscious

I love beauty treatments, especially when cosmeceuticals are used. This time I was in the chair with the sympathetic Sarah Piening of Beauty Bewust in Amsterdam. For me also a great opportunity to get to know the products of EmerginC better. I was immediately blown away, because EmerginC had just released a new line: RawCeuticals. These are fine cosmeceuticals whose ingredients have not been heated. All wonderfully natural-scented products, so that you almost get the feeling that you are hopping in the woods.

The treatment

Saar started the treatment with Clean, a cleaning product. A delicious, soft hydrophilic oil.

Then it was time for the Boreal tonic. With water from the right side of the Montblanc (for more details: see my earlier piece on Rawceuticals).

Blue poppy enzyme polish

After the preparation I was ready for the Blue poppy enzyme polish, the gommage mask. This is used as a peel and as a scrub. With the special feature that the protective layer of your skin is protected, instead of being attacked (as with normal scrubs). It contains cleansing and soothing ingredients such as raspberry seed, turmeric and papaya. Oh, and let’s not forget the Chinese mushroom Mocur Miehei, because you won’t find it in every home, garden and kitchen peeling ;-). All this makes redness disappear like snow in the sun and your skin becomes beautifully smooth.

Connective tissue massage

Saar is an expert at giving a connective tissue massage, really. Skillfully my cheeks were kneaded well. Very important for blood circulation and collagen production. Partly because of this I had a nice glowing head after the treatment.

My skin was then treated with hydra repair capsules. These are based on avocado oil, which is rich in vitamin E. With a skin’s own oil structure so that it can be better absorbed by the skin. It slurps into the skin, as it were. No superfluous luxury with that desert skin of mine!

Protocell peel off mask

The Protocell peel off mask deserves special attention. It is made with a powder rich in calcium and magnesium. A funny white instance and when I picked it up I got associations with the Phantom of the Opera. My mask could be placed directly on the poster of the ghost, haha! But the result was amayzing. My skin glowed like never before and was super soft. How is that possible? The cactus extract gives you a so-called plumpy effect because it retains moisture in the skin. It also contains a liquid that contains Apple stem cell, as well as acerola and cactus. In America there was a real “buzz” about the Apple stem cells. Because the stem cells in the skin have the ability to regenerate themselves. Well, I think it’s all good, because the result was fantastic!

After treatment

Ooh…. I was so relaxed after this extensive treatment at Beauty Conscious! Not only that, I was also quite refreshed. My face looked a lot brighter and tighter. In my opinion the wonderful result of crossing the Protocell peel off mask with the professional connective tissue massage. And don’t forget the peeling with that exotic mushroom. In short, I like! So dear Saar, when can I come again for such a wonderful upgrade of my skin?

Fun with Saar

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