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  • Falling asleep more easily thanks to smart health connected objects

Falling asleep more easily thanks to smart health connected objects


Some nights, falling asleep can be a real way of the cross. Whether it's stress, a last coffee that should not have been taken or just sleep that does not come, it can quickly turn into a nightmare. 20 to 30% of French people suffer regularly insomnia. If you are a part of it and despair, why not opt ​​for a smart health smart health connected object? Discover our selection.

Dodow, the pebble that helps you prepare your nights

We tested it for you last May. Dodow is a small accessory very light and white you will need to put on the bedside table next to the bed or on your stomach. How does it work? It emits a light on your ceiling that serves to regulate your breathing. The upper part is a huge touch button that turns on the 3 blue LEDs. Two cycles are proposed: one of eight minutes and another of 20 minutes. Then he will go off by himself. It can be used by limiting itself to this simple function but the application allows to go further. You will have access to information on your sleep cycles, how to prepare your nights … Depending on the reasons that prevent you from sleeping, you will also receive advice.

Note that this requires a little effort on your part. Here, no intervention in the field of pure health, we speak mostly of relaxation. Once the object is launched, you will need to synchronize your breathing with the light. A small guide offers simple exercises to help you. On his site, the company says its users say they fall asleep 2.5 times faster using Dodow than in normal times. It's up to you to see if it's worth the € 49 you'll need to pay. Delivery is offered.

The smart health connected ring Thim to fall asleep

You wake up to go back to sleep. The concept may seem strange. Yet it was from scientific studies that Thim emerged. This smart health connected ring uses the method of "re-sleep training". Repeatedly experiencing the sensation of falling asleep helps to make the body and mind fall asleep faster. According to Professor Leon Lack's figures, this technique allows you to fall asleep 30 minutes faster and to sleep 70 more minutes per night.

When first used, as soon as Thim detects that you have fallen asleep, it wakes you up after three minutes. Again and again. Its designers advise to train at least 1 hour per day during the first uses. You will have to suffer a little before you can find a quality sleep. The object was funded through Indiegogo. You can still pre-order on the crowdfunding platform from 139 € (4 remaining) or 199 € afterwards. They will be delivered from June / July.

Remi, the companion who helps children fall asleep

Because adults are not the only ones who have difficulty falling asleep. What's more, a child who does not sleep, may be agitated and demand the intervention of his parents. The companion REMI can therefore represent a solution. It allows to play lullabies stored on the smartphone of the parents but offers especially a range of options around the sleep of your children. Thanks to its sensors, it can analyze the sleep and deduce if the child must continue his night or if on the contrary it is time to wake him up. Interactive, REMI can adopt facial expressions that will tell the child if he should fall asleep again.

Presented at CES 2017, the companion REMI, which won an Innovation Award, is not yet on the market. However, you can the pre-order on Indiegogo priced at 79 dollars. It is available in pink, blue, yellow and gray.

Nuvi, the smart health connected mask

In general, we opt for a mask in the plane or long-term transport in order to fall asleep easily. Nuvi proposes to push the experience further. Thanks to a system of loudspeakers and small LEDs, it offers sleep aids. Six different modes are available: Easy Sleep, Smart Deep Sleep Booster, Smart Wake Up, Power Nap, Light Energizer and Jet Lag Ajdust. jet lag).

The company has already started part of the deliveries following its successful financing on Kickstarter. Some packs remain available. Count $ 55 for a mask, $ 93 to buy two.

Sleepion helps to fall asleep thanks to the smells

Sleepion is a smart health connected accessory that wants to help you fall asleep thanks to the smells. Designed by Cheero USA, it uses technology from Japan. Basic, it is very classic by proposing a system mixing sounds and lights. But the difference is in terms of odors. You can integrate in the center three types of essential oils: lavender, cedar wood and geranium. A few drops are enough, the vibrations of the speakers are then responsible for the diffusion. What according to the company cause a deep and restful sleep.

It is available on Amazon from 199 dollars. 4 colors are available: black, blue, green and pink.

To discover all accessories related to sleep, smart health connected objects to wake up or sleep better, go to our dedicated section!
