Familicare: mobile application for caregivers


A new mobile application has been launched to support caregivers in supporting patients: Familicare. Presentation.

Strengthened by their professional experiences, their various observations in the field, and their personal experiences, two liberal nurses decided to offer a tool for caregivers to help them better manage, potentiate and perpetuate the maintenance at health home of a dependent person: Familicare.

The objective is to make digital health accessible and to simplify the management and centralization of information between the various stakeholders (family, loved ones, health professionals …) thanks to a digital medium that is the application.

This mobile application tends to meet the needs of families and loved ones of a dependent person with a digital management tool by allowing them to optimize and perpetuate the maintenance at health home of their loved one.

Familicare allows a caregiver to create the profile of a person in a situation of dependence which he takes care of, to inform and centralize information as well general (social security number for example) as relating to health, autonomy, or the environment. At the same time, it makes it possible to gather information relating to the different professionals and stakeholders. Notes, emergency numbers and geolocation are also items included in the application.

The caregiver also has the possibility of sharing the profile of this dependent person with other members of his family, thus allowing the latter to have the same degree of involvement regardless of family ties, geographic distance or even the different levels of knowledge of pathologies.

Source: Familicare

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