How to find your passion in "n" simple actions

It is said that a life without passion is like a tasteless and badly seasoned dish. To live passionately is to live free and make your life something you love and have the will to continue to do so. It's about finding the reasons that keep you excited and that give you peace and joy in life. But for some, it is easier to find their passion, while for others, they have to look for themselves and ask themselves a lot of questions. So how do you find your passion in life?

To live passionately is to discover oneself. So you can very well start doing tests on what drives you in life to find out if any area excites you. This can help wake you up by leaning into activities you didn't expect, such as trying out a new sport and analyzing its performance. Indeed, you may be good at dancing, swimming or even good at singing but you did not know it.

Finding Your Passion by Interesting in Those of Others

Another trick is to chat with friends, colleagues or family members and take an interest in their own passions to inspire them, trying to learn a little more, or even to accompany them, it will be perhaps the opportunity to discover new horizons. For example, asking a friend to tell you about his passion for fishing or gardening could help you get started too.

Finding Your Passion Through Reading

Just like traveling, reading is just as practical to inspire us and take us to other horizons and open our eyes to subjects that were until then a great mystery, in particular, a book that is written by a expert in the subject area.

Finding Your Passion by Searching the Internet

Blogs, forums or social networks can be a gold mine for finding an area that excites you and inspires you, for example learning a foreign language or taking cooking classes. YouTube alone is a powerful medium to break into any field. Of course a passion is not expressed by simply watching the videos, it is also a question of really getting into it.

Discover a Passion while Traveling

Traveling is an opportunity to change your habits and your daily life. Travel far to discover unknown places, different people, new encounters and hitherto unknown activities. Rubbing shoulders with all these factors is perhaps what will trigger in you a passion, even a passion, such as photography, for example.

A Passion Consistent with Its Values

A passion can very well be hidden deep in the values ​​that are a priority for you in life and which agree with your personality, for example, finding your passion in a cause that is close to your heart such as defending the environment and engaging his ecological conscience, develop an artistic talent, defend a political opinion, an activity in a group or alone. So many avenues to explore to go where your passion takes you.

Fulfilling Childhood Dreams

Happiness is synonymous with passion. And a fulfilled life is a life without regrets. A fully fulfilled life with completed dreams, even those formulated when you were still a child. For example, finding your passion in an abandoned dream or in a job that dates back to your childhood.

Explore a Hidden Talent

Another method to follow to find what drives you in life is to list your skills, identify an area in which you excel or a discipline in which you are best able to express your creativity.

Turning His Passion into a Job

To assess the importance of going to the end of your passion, it is enough to see the people who make a professional retraining and who tackle a comfortable life and a job with a good salary to exercise a profession in accordance with what makes them vibrate, a profession that they love rather than a profession that they suffer, such as the sentence of Confucian "Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."

Seek Your Passion From Others

Sometimes there are things inside of us that we are not aware of but that others see for us. That's what you have to ask them, things that others know better than us and that are likely to put us on the path to finding what makes us happy in life.

Know how to free yourself from external pressures

Many are those who make their choices, simply to fall into line and to live in coherence with the rules and according to the gaze of others and the image that they must send back to them.

However, to find your passion, you have to know how to break social chains and external obligations and stop constantly justifying yourself to others and configuring your life according to others.

Because the choices you make in these cases are not based on what you like to do but on what others have decided for you; lest your passions be misunderstood or criticized by others and what is certain; it is that way; will only lead you to misfortune.

Your passion must conform only to your own convictions and your own beliefs and your activities must correspond to only one thing; the manners that seem right to you.

Finding Answers to Your Own Questions

To find your way, you have to listen to your inner self to find answers to certain basic questions such as; “Where is your happiness? "Who contributes to your happiness?" or "What is the cause of this happiness?" ".

Once the answers have been provided, analyze them. Find times in your life when you felt proud and satisfied with your accomplishment.

This attests to the values ​​you hold dear, such as creativity, sharing or independence. Example: being happy to have helped an association.

A Good Dose of Determination

To go to the end of his passion; it requires determination and perseverance. Because this quest is likely to get complicated along the way and take much longer than expected. This is why you have to be patient and strong to face any obstacles.

It is also recommended to be careful before devoting yourself entirely to this passion, because once the machine is launched, you will not be able to go back, especially if you decide to put down your work to live entirely from this new passion, because the risk here is very present.

Knowing how to combine several skills

For those who have various skills in different fields, it is possible to join them to make one. For example, you have a talent for writing and at the same time you like to race cars. You can very well in this case, become an editor and write articles around this universe.

Let Express Your Passion

Trying all possible means of expression, such as painting, acting, dancing, singing or fashion design can awaken the artist in you. Finding your passion is above all a work of exploration and as long as we haven't tried anything we can't decide.

To live passionately, you have to leave your routine

To achieve this goal, you have to give free rein to your imagination and get out of the mechanical daily routine. Because the number one enemy of creativity is routine. For example, surpass yourself and try a thrilling activity like the zip line or try your hand at chess.

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