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  • Fitbit Charge 3: Review, price and data sheet – Activity sensor

Fitbit Charge 3: Review, price and data sheet – Activity sensor


To measure the performance of the Charge 3, we compared its results with those of the Polar H10 chest strap, which we consider very reliable in terms of measurements. We measured the running by linking the laps on a circuit of 800 meters. Regarding cycling, we had a typical circuit, 3.12 km.

The Charge 3 of Fitbit is able to follow the heart rate of its user thanks to its heart rate monitor with a led located on the back. On the other hand, the terminal does not offer integrated GPS. It is therefore necessary to run with his phone. Nor can you store or even control your music.

In terms of accuracy, the heart rate monitor of the Charge 3 offers finally quite average results. It is quite accurate in the rest phase, with a measured heart rate very close to that found by the Polar H10 chest strap. We found a margin of error around 1%. In full effort, the gap between the two products is more important, without being dramatic. There is an underestimation of about 10%. On the other hand, and as often with the activity sensors, the follow-up of a fractional exercise is very perfectible. Charge 3 then fails to provide a realistic curve of heart rate.

Convenient for city sportsmen, the Charge 3 offers a rather reactive auto-pause function. It is also possible to use the heart rate monitor to monitor sleep. The data collected at night by the Charge 3 are rather consistent with the user's feeling.
