Fitbit presents the Blaze watch on video


You probably did not miss the news, Fitbit took advantage of a press conference during CES to present its new generation smart health connected watch: the Fitbit Blaze.

This new watch dedicated to the sportsmen allows to follow the daily physical activity, but also to serve the main notifications to its bearer. It is placed directly between the Fitbit Charge HR with its monitoring of activity and heart rate permanently and Surge that allows some features specific to smartwatches, such as notifications or control of music.

The big novelty is Fitstar coach integration, bought a few months ago by Fitbit. You will be able directly from the watch to launch your sport sessions and the coach will assist you throughout these sessions.

Discover the features of the Fitbit Blaze here

Another feature of the Fitbit Blaze is the ability to customize it, many choices will be available from the launch in March. As a reminder, this new activity tracker Fitbit will be sold for 229 €.

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