[Flash] Lenovo and shoes that communicate your mood


smart health connected shoes are slowly starting to make their way. And among those that help you run better or navigate to an unknown place, there are the shoes capable of displaying your mood of the moment. At least that's the concept presented by the manufacturer Lenovo at Tech World 2020. Fortunately, the mood is not the simple functionality available. In addition to displaying a happy or not happy smiley, they will give information on the route to follow, the heart rate or the number of calories burned. All of this is linked to the smartphone through an application that will transmit all this data to the user.

Right now, it’s still abouta concept that will not necessarily be manufactured on an industrial scale. Not sure at the same time that a giant smiley on the shoe interests many people.

[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ypBoRTs2pQ [/ embed] 

