Food exotic rice salad-Chinese healthy food for October 26

Chinese food exotic rice salad

Origin of food exotic rice salad:Chinese Food

Numberof people: 6


Preparationtime: 15 min

Cookingtime: 40 min



1cup long-grain rice

1cup wild rice

4cups chicken broth

4stalks celery, sliced

4spring onions, finely chopped

2cups peas

1/2cup pine nuts

1cup raisins

Forthe vinaigrette

1/4cup olive oil

2 c. tablespoons ricevinegar

1teaspoon sugar

2 c. tablespoon of sesameoil

Preparation food exotic rice salad

Putthe chicken broth in a medium saucepan. 2 Add rice boil, reduce heat to low,cover. Cook for 40 minutes. Remove from heat. Cool completely.

Heata small skillet over medium-high heat. Add the pine nuts. Cook, stirringconstantly, until lightly toasted. Remove pine nuts from pan and let cool.

Whisktogether olive oil, red wine vinegar, sugar and sesame oil.

Ina large bowl or bowl gently mix the cooled cooked rice, chopped celery, greenonions, peas, raisins, pine nuts, and dressing. Salt and pepper to taste, ifnecessary.

Servethe salad very fresh exotic rice.

Ingredientsfor Coca-Cola Frosting Recipe

1/2 c Margarine

6tb Coca-Cola

3tb Cocoa

2 c Powdered sugar

1 c Nuts, chopped

Coca-ColaFrosting Preparation

Ina heavy saucepan combine margarine, cola and cocoa to a boil and the bring. Putpowdered sugar in a heatproof bowl and pour over cooked mixture, beating wellmixed Until; stir in nuts. Frost cake while still hot.

Ingredientsfor Ground Beef Goulash Recipe

1 lb Ground beef

1/2 lb Ground Italian sausage

1md Onion — chopped

1Stalk celery — chopped

16 oz Stewed tomatoes

2 c Elbow macaroni *

6 oz Tomato paste

1tb Worcestershire sauce

1ts Salt

1/2ts Pepper

GroundBeef Goulash Preparation

Cookand drain pasta, rinse under hot water. Brown and drain meat ,onion and celery.Stir all ingre together in a 3 quart casserole dish. Cover and bake at 350 for30-40 minutes.