France adopts an ethics committee on digital


"Dealing comprehensively with the ethical issues of digital technology and artificial intelligenceThis is the mission assigned to the new Digital Ethics Pilot Committee, which is part of the National Advisory Committee on Ethics for Life and Health Sciences (CCNE). IA and recommendations of the report "Give a meaning to the artificial intelligence" of Cédric Villani.

For its beginnings, the new committee, which will hold its first plenary meeting tomorrow Wednesday, December 4, will focus on three central topics: conversational agents, autonomous cars and medical diagnosis. Topics like "transparency on the processing of collected data","shared responsibilities between constructor, insurer and user","the transparency and the explicability of the functioning of these algorithms for both health professionals and users of the health system"… The organization is also responsible for setting up the necessary means for information and individual and collective decision-making.

Promote multidisciplinarity

The committee will be headed by Claude Kirchner – Research Director Emeritus of the National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria) – and constituted about thirty people. To promote multidisciplinarity, members are specialists in digital academics or from companies, philosophers, doctors, lawyers … For example, Tristan Nitot, CEO of Qwant or Jerome Perrin, director of research at Renault.

At the beginning of 2021, the organization will have to submit a report of its work to the CCNE, which will have to make recommendations on the modalities of a possible permanent committee.
