Fujian cuisine Chinese food and natural health

Fujian cuisine

Fujian cuisine alsoknown under the name Min cuisine, has a rich history of over 5000 years. Itbrings together three different styles: the style of Fuzhou,which favors sweet and sour and, in general, lighter flavor than the other twostyles, the style of western Fujian, mustardand pepper which give a slightly raised side and the style of southern Fujian, known for itsspicy and sweet flavors.

Sheis known for her presentation and tasty and light taste. Its preparationtechniques as chao (blow), liu (do first frying and pour the juice and spicesprepared beforehand starch) and wei (cook over high heat and spice sauce) aremuch appreciated. Marinades of alcohol marc worth mentioning.

Locatedin the coastal region of southeast, Fujianproduces a lot of seafood such as eel, shellfish, cuttlefish and sea cucumber.For this reason, the preparation of seafood characterize the kitchen Fujian. Include somefamous dishes: Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, Chicken marinated in alcohol marc,Cuttlefish point to acidic and spicy taste, mix slices of meat and chickenmarinated in alcohol marc “Jumbo Shrimp Taiji” Fish steamed, Porkshaped litchi, etc.

Thethree main features of the Min kitchen are: ingredients mainly from themountain and the sea, a taste for soups and an undeniable expertise inseasonings. The province is generously endowed with natural resources, theingredients are usually excellent.

Thespecialty of the Fujiancuisine, it is the soups. As one local proverb: “impossible to imagine ameal without soup.” In addition, residents of Fujian usually accompany their dishes ofvarious kinds of sauces and seasonings both sweet and savory, spicy acids.Among the salty seasonings include the shrimp sauce, shrimp oil and soy sauce.Seasonings acids include white vinegar and Qiaotou (similar vegetable greenonion and garlic). To sweeten their dishes, Fujian residents use both brown sugar thanwhite sugar. To accompany their sweet dishes, they do not hesitate to use thepepper powder, anise or cinnamon. Finally, pepper and mustard are commonly usedto identify dishes.

Theleaders of Fujianappeal to many preparation techniques: foods can be fried with minimal oil orfried long and high temperature, boiled, baked, simmered over low heat, sautéedin wine, simmered in their juice, grilled, boiled red rice wine, smoked,braised or salty. All these techniques, the most characteristic is cooking redrice wine: food is either skipped or baked, or fried, with short or long. Knownas the “drunk food”, these specialties are widespread in Sichuan and famous throughout China.

Fujian cuisine Representative recipes:

Buddha jumps over the wall (fó Tiao qiáng, 佛跳墙)

Oyster omelet (mǔlì Jiandan, 牡蛎 煎蛋)

Popiah (regional language min): turnip pancake, sausage, shrimp, etc. (Bó bǐng, 薄饼)

Fish Ball (yú wán, 魚丸), the material is close to the surimi is the Fujian release, there is another version of this dish in the kitchen of Hubei.

Drunken Crab (zuìjiǔ of pángxiè, 醉酒 的 螃蟹) 0

Fish (perch here) in the form of chrysanthemum (Juhua Xingzhuang of yú, 菊花 形状 的 鱼)

Pork shaped litchi (Lizhi Xingzhuang of zhūròu, 荔枝 形状 的 猪肉)

Snail flavored with rice wine (Fenfang Woniu yǔ mǐjiǔ, 芬芳 蜗牛 与 米酒)

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