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- Funny Google questions: Google health home Easter Eggs
Funny Google questions: Google health home Easter Eggs
Unknown Easter Eggs became a huge trend
An "Easter Egg" is not the English version of an Easter egg, but a special surprise that can be found well hidden in graphics, software programs, films or technical applications. They were allegedly invented by Warren Robinett when he hid his name in 1978 in the Atari computer game he invented. However, there were artists centuries ago who placed self-portraits in commissioned works or secretly left their names there. Today Easter Eggs can be found particularly often in computer games, movies (for example from Disney) and on websites.
Easter Eggs can be found here, for example:
Anyone who types “do a barrel roll” into the Google search function will be surprised with a 360 ° rotation of the results page.
When you call up the Google Maps route planner for the route from Tokyo to Shanghai, you are asked to cover part of the way by jet ski across the Pacific.
The popular game “Pacman” can be played in the browser by calling google.com/pacman.
Popular voice assistant for the smart health home
Easter eggs have nothing to do with so-called hidden functions, even if this is often wrongly assumed. We have therefore summarized the differences briefly here:
Example hidden function: Hidden functions are special functions that are difficult to identify, for example in computer games. In contrast to Easter Eggs, which are more for entertainment, they have a specific use. If you copy the line = rand (200,2) into a new document in Microsoft Word and confirm it with the Enter key, a pangram is displayed as a reaction. Either the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" appears in the English version or in the German word program "Franz chases across Bavaria in a completely neglected taxi". Both sentences contain all letters of the alphabet and thus help to check the correct representation of fonts or blind texts.
Example Easter Egg: There are a lot of Easter Eggs in the film "Zoomania". For example, the lead of the main actress Judy alludes to the film "Frozen" when he says: "Life isn't a Caroon Musical where youre dreams come true, so let it go!" Elephant children who are dressed exactly like the "Frozen" Elsa and her sister Anna. Both are Easter Eggs because these funny innuendos have no practical use for the viewer.
For beginners, for example, the entry question "Ok Google, what Easter Eggs are there?"
Google health home looks harmless, but it has a lot of crazy Easter Eggs in stock
(health home & smart editors)
These Easter Eggs provide background music
Popular actions such as Google Play Music, Spotify or Deezer can be played on Google health home or Google Mini via Google Actions. No account for it? No problem – because there are also some funny music Easter eggs that can be tried out spontaneously. Neither the Google Play Store nor other additional services are necessary for this. Would you like an example?
Musical Easter Eggs:
"Ok Google, can you rap?"
"Ok Google, beatbox."
"Ok Google, sing" Happy Birthday. "/" Ok Google, it's my birthday. "
"Ok Google, sing a song."
"Ok Google, do you know Hänschen klein?"
By the way: Instead of the activation word "Ok Google" you can also use the title "Hey Google".
Headphones are no longer necessary, because Google health home also plays music
(Olly / Adobe Stock)
Insider trivia: Easter Eggs for nerds, PC cracks and film fans
Artificial intelligence naturally has a good connection to nerds and PC cracks. It is no wonder that Google Assistant also has some surprising Easter Eggs in stock when it comes to film quotes or allusions to PC games.
Nerdy Easter Eggs:
"Ok Google, Hodor."
"Ok Google, what are the three laws of robotics?"
"Ok Google, what's the loneliest number?"
"Ok Google, do you prefer Star Trek or Star Wars?"
"Ok Google, what is the number pi?"
"Ok Google, what are the three robot laws?"
"Ok google can you code morse code?"
"Ok Google, up, up, down, down, left, right, B, A!"
Google health home is even familiar with nerd specialties
(Jacob Lund / Adobe Stock)
Game on! With these commands, Google Assistant becomes the game master
Is there anything more beautiful than a rainy weekend? If there is nothing interesting on TV and everyone is bored hanging out on the couch, Google health home is happy to take on the role of the game master. Alternatively, he can help make a decision – for example, when it comes to who gets the last chocolate pudding from the fridge or who can start the next game round.
Easter eggs that help with (game) decisions:
"Ok Google, say a number between x and y."
"Ok Google, flip a coin."
Google health home Games Easter Eggs:
Unfortunately, there is still no Google counterpart to Amazon's Echo Show, so Google fans will have to be patient for a while before games with a display become possible. Nevertheless, one or the other game and quiz for Google health home speakers is already available. They can be activated, for example, with the following voice commands:
Google health home Games Easter Eggs:
"Ok Google, I want to play Lucky Trivia."
"Ok Google, start crystal ball."
"Ok Google, start Mad Libs."
"Ok Google, play the game called John."
These funny Easter Eggs cheer everyone up
Whenever we are looking for a little encouragement or inspiration for small talk among friends, Google Assistant has a funny saying in store.
Funny Easter Eggs:
"Ok Google, make me laugh."
"Ok Google, entertain me."
"Ok Google, read a poem!"
"Ok Google, let's have fun."
"Ok Google, speak like Yoda."
"Ok Google, is your fridge on?"
"Ok Google, self-destruction."
"Ok Google, repeat after me: Hello."
"Ok Google, trivia!"
With the Google Easter Eggs it’s really funny
(John Smith / Adobe Stock)
"Ok Google, can I ask you something personal …?"
Emotional questions offer a particularly high fun factor, after all, apparently human reactions of the smart speaker are the more astonishing the more they remind us of the peculiarities of our fellow human beings. So if you always wanted to know what Google Assistant really feels, you can get to the bottom of your emotional life with the following voice commands.
Emotional Easter Eggs:
"Ok Google, how old are you?"
"Ok Google, what am I thinking about now?"
"Ok Google, what is your goal?"
"Ok Google, did you fart?"
"Ok Google, are you ever tired?"
"Ok Google, who is the most beautiful in the whole country?"
"Ok Google, do you want to marry me?"
Even strong emotions do not disturb Google health home
(Peter Atkins / Adobe Stock)
Google health home Easter Eggs provide an answer to every quirky question
"Mom, why is the banana crooked?" Children are curious and want to try new things all the time. The ideal prerequisite for jointly punching Google health home with questions.
Special Easter Eggs:
"Ok Google, crystal ball"
"Ok Google, what's cooler than being cool?"
"Ok Google, what did my cat say?"
"Ok Google, where's Walter?"
"Ok Google, do a barrel roll!"
"Ok Google, bark like a dog!"
"Ok Google, surprise me."
Google health home comments so funny on other voice assistants
As is known, the biggest competitors of the Google Assistant Apple Siri and Amazon Alexa, closely followed by Microsoft's Cortana. Accordingly, the comments on the competition are not always polite.
Easter Eggs on other language assistants and AIs:
"Ok Google, tell me something about Alexa!"
"Ok Google, are you friends with Alexa / Cortana / Siri?"
"Ok Google, do you know GLaDOS?"
The English voice commands reveal more Easter Eggs
Until recently, Google health home could only manage English voice commands, which is why our first editorial model was not yet geared towards German Easter Eggs. The following English voice commands are still among our favorites:
English Easter Eggs:
"Ok Google, make me a sandwich."
"Ok Google, wubba lubba dub dub."
"Ok Google, is the cake a lie?"
"Ok Google, bark like a dog."
"Ok Google, aren't you a little short for a storm trooper?"
"Ok Google, what does the fox say?"
Reading tips about Google
Top Google Actions for Google health home in a compact overview"Ok Google": The 100 most important Google health home voice commandsGoogle health home Mini – fluffy Echo Dot alternative in comparison
More information and trends on the smart health home