Furbo – Dog Sitter smart health connected camera

Furbo is a bit of a smart health connected camera all in one but its main mission is to take care and monitoring your dog when you are not at health home.

Furbo is therefore equipped with a camera which will allow you, through a mobile application, to see, speak and even give treats to your dog when you are away. A good way to stay close to your little furry lover that you love so much.

Furbo - Dog Sitter connected camera

Created by the company Tomofun, this smart health connected device therefore offers pet owners a new way of interacting with their dogs. Besides being able to see and talk to your dog, you can also hear and receive push notifications when the dog barks.

Tomofun is not the first startup to imagine a camera for animals. But what sets Furbo apart from the rest is the ability to reward your pet. According to those who have tested it, the product is very simple to use. If you too want to try it and find out more, go on IndieGogo.

Furbo connected camera Dog Sitter
Furbo connected camera Dog Sitter

The startup has just launched a fundraising campaign and hopes to raise $ 50,000. In my opinion they should not have too much trouble! Note that you can already order this smart health smart health connected object from 99 dollars. Watch it in action, you will surely succumb!

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZbYEaVQG90 (/ embed)