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- GCS Infotech 36 certified "health data host" (HDS)
GCS Infotech 36 certified "health data host" (HDS)
"The GCS Infotech 36 announces the ISO 27001 and HDS certification of the group formed for the health and medico-social establishments of the Department of Indre", underlined the press release.
Supported and hosted by the CH of Châteauroux-Le Blanc since 2012, the GCS Infotech 36 becomes the second health cooperation group to obtain this certification, after the GCS Tesis (La Réunion-Mayotte) in September 2019.
The law of January 26, 2016 of "modernization of our health system" replaced the procedure for the approval of health data hosts by a certification issued by a certifying body accredited by the French Accreditation Committee (Cofrac), recalls- your.
Indispensable within the framework of an HDS certification procedure, the ISO 27001 standard concerns, for its part, the security management system, we recall.
Concretely, the GCS Infotech 36 has been certified for three areas of activity in the standard (1,2,4):
the provision and maintenance in operational condition of the physical sites enabling the physical infrastructure of the information system used to process health data to be housed
the provision and maintenance in operational condition of the physical infrastructure of the information system used for the processing of health data
the provision and operational maintenance of the virtual infrastructure of the information system used for processing health data.
"ISO 27001 / HDS certification is a milestone in the information system master plan (SDSI) of the Indre GHT. It is the result of four years of intensive work by a small team and sends an important message to establishments that have left the GHT ", welcomed Xavier Bailly, administrator of GCS Infotech 36.
"This work is also part of the strategy of convergence of the computerized patient record (DPI), the GHT Indre deploys its work on the basis of a shared patient record for all the establishments of the GHT, supported by the GCS Infotech 36, hosting infrastructure co-managed by its members, "he added.
The GCS Infotech 36 has been audited by the French Standardization Association (Afnor), an organization accredited by the French authorities to carry out HDS audits. The certification was issued for a period of three years and requires, to be maintained, an annual surveillance audit by the certifying body.
"We are currently in discussions with other establishments in Indre who want to entrust us with the hosting of their IT infrastructures and their data," the administrator of the GCS Indrois told TICsanté.
Structures wishing to engage in a certification process can contact one of the 7 accredited certification bodies today: Afnor, Bureau Veritas, BSI, Ernst & Young (EY), ICTS, LNE and LSTI, recalls -your.
The list of HDS certified hosts is available on the website of the Shared Health Information Systems Agency (Health Asip).