Genuine Nike Self-Sealing Back to the Future 2 are on sale


Back-to-the-future fans will certainly remember the self-lacing Nike shoes from the movie. Although they are dilapidated, prices fly on Ebay.

The sci-fi saga "Back to the future" has marked the generations of the 80s and 90s. This series of blockbuster films has notably imagined some innovations that have become reality such as the flying car, the overboard skateboard or even the shoes. self-laçantes. In "Back to the Future 2", Marty Mc Fly actually puts on a pair of sneakers with the Nike logo that adjust and lacerate themselves. The American giant has, in 2016, marketed a pair of self-lacing shoes. Although far removed from the design of the film, the HyperAdapt 1.0 sneakers have been a real success. The real shoes used in the film, a unique model, are now on sale on Ebay.

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Nike's Self-Sailing Shoes Back to the Future on Sale

The owner of the real shoes used during the shooting of the movie "Back to the future 2" has put on sale the pair of futuristic sneakers. This unique piece fools the counters and the auction price has soared to more than $ 90,000 for the moment.

These shoes are reserved for collectors because it is impossible to wear them. These are indeed particularly damaged and become very fragile. The reason for this state of disrepair is quite simple. First of all, the shoes are from 1985 and were created specifically for the shooting of the film with materials … that were not made to last in time. The shoot was also not easy for sneakers. If you are interested, you can still place your auction on Ebay right here

