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  • Get started with Nokia Sleep, a simple, reliable and convenient sleep sensor

Get started with Nokia Sleep, a simple, reliable and convenient sleep sensor



The Nokia Sleep Sleep Sensor, launched at € 99, ​​joins the armada of smart health connected objects dedicated to the analysis of our sleep. How is it different?

The release of the Nokia Sleep comes as Nokia currently separates Withings (the Finnish giant had bought the French start-up two years ago to kick off its health business). This new sleep sensor joins the various smart health connected or sports activity watches that can perform this function, such as the recent Fitbit Versa. The Nokia Sleep is also part of a dynamic new smart health connected products dedicated to health, like the Dreem headset of the French start-up Rythm.

Careful ergonomics

The device takes the form of a "carpet" of 63 x 18 cm to slide under its mattress and to connect to the sector thanks to an electric cable wrapped in fabric. Beautifully crafted with its gray fabric cover, the Nokia Sleep presents very neat finishes with stitching on all of its outline. Even the Nokia logo is embroidered! An attention to detail pushed for equipment that we will hide forever under his mattress …

It's impossible not to think of Withings Aura, this duet launched by Withings in 2014, consisting of a luminous alarm clock and a sleep sensor that looks furiously like the Sleep that we Review 4 years later (the Aura is not more on sale on the website of the manufacturer, but it can still be found on commercial sites).

The Nokia Sleep works with the Health Mate app, a version of the Withings eponymous app that Nokia had completely reviewed less than a year ago (iOS / Android). It can be associated with the IFTTT application to program routines using other smart health connected objects.

A very simple installation

Just 2 minutes are enough to implement the Nokia Sleep. The device slips under the user's mattress and plugs into the mains. The very long length of the power cable (2.80 m) makes it easy to reach an electrical outlet near a bedside table, for example.

Caution: For measurements to be consistent and reliable, it is important to place the sensor at the bust of the sleeper. Then, the sleeping mat is paired with a smartphone in Bluetooth. It will provide real-time information over Wi-Fi, just like a Nokia smart health connected scale, like the Body Cardio. This is a real advantage: the user does not have to worry about any synchronization of his data. These are instantly addressed to cloud from Nokia who returns them through its Health Mate app. The other side of the coin: even if they are anonymous, these measures reach the big data.

The Nokia Sleep measures many parameters: sleep duration, depth, regularity, interruptions, sleep and sunrise times. The device also continuously evaluates the heart rate and measures the snoring cycles and their intensity. Each day, a sleep score taking into account all these parameters is awarded. On a scale of 0 to 100, this score evaluates the overall quality of the past night. During our Review week, we were able to identify different types of "night": "Average" (with a score of 57/100) and "Reposante" (with a score of 83/100). We found that the Nokia Sleep also detects "Siestes". In this case, he will discern the phases of deep sleep, mild or paradoxical, the time spent in bed and the average heart rate. This last factor is important and can possibly detect a risk of poor cardiovascular health (if the average rate is above 60 bpm).

Appreciable: after a few days of use, the Nokia Sleep manages to offer some (small) personalized analyzes. For example on the regularity of the hours of sunrise and sunset: "Your bedtime and sunrise hours are consistent in recent days ". But that does not go much further. Daily, a small interpretation is also provided, for example on the depth of sleep: "Your night has been effective, with 59% spent in recovery phases".

We appreciate all this information, even if we regret that the Nokia Sleep does not offer more advice. For example, it would have seemed sensible to us that, after nights that were not sufficiently restorative, a notification called out to us by advising us, for example, to go to bed at such an hour, and so on. We expect the product to go a little further.

Although still in English, the IFTTT app allows the Nokia Sleep to be easily paired with Philips Hue smart health connected bulbs, a Nest smart health connected thermostat, or even to switch its phone (Android only) to Silent mode when you fold. We tested the extinction of Hue bulbs at bedtime, and it works perfectly. It is even possible to choose the time slot during which this routine can be done, which avoids turning off the lights each time you lie on your bed.

Finally, note that we can sleep with a Nokia Sleep and a person by his side without affecting the measurements made.

A well optimized application

At the risk of stressing this point, syncing Wi-Fi with the Health Mate application is a real "plus": the Nokia Sleep works in complete transparency, without one having to think about it.

The Nokia Health Mate app aggregates all data from the brand's devices into the same interface. So we can find at the option of a daily logbook data about his sleep if you have the Nokia Sleep, but also its weight if you have a smart health connected scale Nokia, or its tension thanks to Nokia BPM +. It is clear, a bit clinical in the presentation, but it is easy to find.

As soon as you click on "Sleep" in your diary, you can access the summary of the night spent. Here, there is no "pie chart" with the data collected, but a horizontal graph showing the duration of the sleep and its phases, with a color code distinguishing waking, light, deep or paradoxical sleep periods (indicated by the letters REM , for "Fast Eye Movements") By going down in the screen, each data is detailed: duration, depth, regularity.The entire application is translated into French, it is rare enough to greet it.And click on each box, more details are available.


Even that does not come into play in our tests and taken in hand, is to confess that the Nokia Sleep offers a quality / price rather engaging. The equipment, of a good quality of manufacture and very simple to implement, contributes perfectly to the visualization of the quality (or lack of quality) of its sleep, in order to act accordingly. More personalized advice would allow us to satisfy ourselves completely.
