Golden beef rice -Chinese healthy recipe for December 02

Golden beef rice

Golden beef rice

Itis a dim sum from the Province of Taiwan and is thefirst choice for office workers.


300gminced beef


100g of broccoli

½carrot Seasoning


3tbsp light soy sauce

1tbsp Shaoxing wine

1 tbsp sugar

1tbsp oyster sauce

1potato starch tbsp

30 minutes

Golden beef rice steps:

1.Wash broccoli and break it into small hand. Peel carrots and cut into pieces.

2.Cut the onion into thin slices and set aside.

3.Blanch broccoli and carrot. Remove and set aside.

4.Blanch the sliced beef. Once the beef changes color, remove and reserve.

5.Heat the olive oil in a pan, then add the onion. Sauté evenly.

6.Mix the seasoning, then pour the mixture into the pan. Cook until onion issoft.

7.Add the minced beef. Boil.

8.Finally, add the liquid starch (1 potato starch tbsp + 3 tbsp of water). Mixand serve.

CookingIngredients for Instant Peach-Almond Sherbet Recipe

1/2c Water

2tb Orange-flavored instant

-breakfastdrink powder

2pk (10-oz) frozen peach slices

1/4ts Almond extract

InstantPeach-Almond Sherbet Preparation

Date:Mon, 10 Jun 1996 21:04:39 -0700 (PDT) From: Tina D. Bell In a blender container, place water andbreakfast drink powder. Break up frozen peaches with a fork; add to blendercontainer. Add almond extract. Cover and blend on high speed till smooth andsherbetlike in texture. If necessary, stop the blender and push ingredientstoward the blades with a spatula. Pour mixture into an 8x4x2 inch loaf pan.Freeze for 2 hours or till firm. Serve with ice cream scoop. Makes 4 servings.Calories per serving: 160, Fat grams: 0 FATFREE

CookingIngredients for Basic Cream Pie Recipe

2c Milk

2c Sugar

3to 4 T. flour

3md Eggs

3to 4 T. butter

1ts Vanilla

2tb Cocoa powder

19-inch pie crust; baked

BasicCream Pie Preparation

Pourmilk into heavy saucepan. (well-seasoned iron skillet or pan is preferred).Separate eggs, add egg yolks to milk and beat in with wire whip. Turn burner tomed. heat. In separate bowl, mix together flour, cocoa powder and sugar. Stirinto milk/egg mixture. Cook and stir with wire whip until mixture begins tothicken. Add butter and continue to stir until mixture is thick. Stir invanilla and pour into baked pie shell. Make your favorite meringue usingreserved egg whites. Spread over pie filling. Brown in 350 degree oven tillmeringue is slightly browned. Watch carefully, it won”t take too long.VARIATIONS: For coconut cream pie, add 1 to 1-1/2 c. coconut and about 1/2 t.coconut extract to mixture when it begins to thicken. Sprinkle coconut on topof meringue prior to browning. You can substitute brown sugar for white, leaveoff cocoa for butterscotch pie. Leave out cocoa and add sliced bananas forbanana cream pie. This recipe was given to my mother by Josie Marcum who had arestaurant in Jamestown many years ago.