good practices of connected health,


Connected health is in the spotlight this Thursday, March 23 at the Ministry of Health and videoconferences throughout France and French-speaking countries. This day CATEL Visio 2017 is devoted to the Good Practices that lead to the success of the actions of the E-Health conceived by the different actors of the world of health acquired with the cause of the digital. Medisite and E-santé.com are pleased to be partners of the event.

40 recommendations, 25 testimonials, 20 cities and partner countries

Pierre Traineau *, Co-founder and CEO of CATEL Réseau, explains the device:

"We have, with many actors in the field, collected 40 recommendations of good practices. We classified them in 8 categories of actions:

  • Write carefully the medical project,

  • Implement appropriate governance,

  • Choose an appropriate technology,

  • Define an economic model,

  • Get in legal compliance,

  • Set up a high-performance organization,

  • Evaluate uses in a scientific and independent way

  • and practice well everyday.

From this reflection, we have co-built with many actors the program of this day CATEL Visio 2017 dedicated, for its 17th edition, to good practices of e-health.

In the 20 cities participating in the operation, 25 user witnesses will be invited to highlight the key factors of their success, regardless of their main place of practice:

  • to the hospital,

  • in a health center and at the cabinet,

  • in medico-social structure,

  • at health home,

  • at work

  • and in other places.

These witnesses will express the specificities of their practice of e-health since the metropolis, from overseas territories or from African countries.

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