Google Fit is available for developers


During the Google I / O, the Google Fit platform was unveiled. The goal ? Centralize health data from different activity sensors on Android. Developers now have access to APIs.

First, for non-developers, it should be noted that an API "Is a standardized set of classes, methods, or functions that serves as the facade by which software offers services to other software." (definition Wikipedia).

Google Fit is a direct competitor to the HealthKit from Apple and many brands are already partners. The service will be fully active when Android L launches at the end of the year. Developers now have access to "Preview SDK" which currently has 3 APIs.

Google Fit Partners

The first, called "Sensor API" will allow developers to access raw data from Google Fit partner sensors. This would allow, for example, to couple a running application like Nike Running and a heart sensor to see, in real time, the correlation between effort and heart rate.

The second API called "Recording API" is a complement to the first. It allows data to be saved in a cloud for later processing, while the Sensor API allows simple direct processing without saving. It allows for example to make a map of a run by recording the GPS points.

The last, "History API" provides access to user data. It allows, for example, a massive import of all the past data of a service.

To put it simply, an API to view the data, one to collect it and one to edit and store it.

You can find out more information about the official Google Fit Preview page. Currently, you can only Review these APIs with a Nexus 5 or Nexus 7. Google had also talked about an API to create web services, at the moment it is not available.

Source TechCrunch.

