Google Glass to help autistic children

Google is reportedly working on apps for its Google Glass to improve the lives of children with autism.

It’s definitely a day of great initiatives. After the announcement of the strategic repositioning of Google Glass, the news was relatively meager. Today we learn that smart glasses could be used for autistic children. Stanford University researchers use device to help autistic children recognize and classify emotions.

Catalin Voss and Nick Haber are working together on face tracking technology with machine learning to build health home treatments for autism. The Autism Glass Project is launching its second phase of study today. This second phase is a study of 100 children to investigate the viability of the system as a health home treatment for autism. It classifies the emotions of the faces pointed to by the device. And make them identifiable by children. But the hard part is after. It is indeed necessary to induce the concept of learning so that the child can later manage without the famous glasses.

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A two-phase project

In an effort to understand this off-device learning, the team launched the first phase of last year’s project, which involved 40 children. Initially, the study was limited because the laboratory had very limited access to Google Glass, but that changed when Google donated 35 devices and the Packard Foundation announced a grant of 379,408 $ to the project in early June.

After studying the interaction between children and computer screens, the team set out to design this famous second phase that will allow children to interact with their environment. The team installs on the glasses a game developed by MIT's Media Lab called "Capture The Smile", or "Catch the smile" in French.

In this game, the children wear the glasses and must search, alone, for a particular emotion on the faces of the other children. By monitoring performance in this game as well as several other factors, the researchers hope to improve the recognition of emotions in the long term. VSThis phase will last several months and should include the participation of parents. Although the technology is not yet ready for widespread use, it has already been featured in a series of books on an autistic superhero!
