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  • Green beans fried rice-Chinese food and natural health for January 17

Green beans fried rice-Chinese food and natural health for January 17

Green beans fried rice

Likea traditional dim sum, Green beans fried rice fried rice was very well received in southern China.


2bowls of cooked rice


50 g of green soybeans

30g of onion

30g of carrot

100gminced pork Seasoning

1pinch of glutamate

1pinch of white pepper

½ tbsp salt

½tbsp light soy sauce

sunflower oil



1.Beat the eggs in a bowl. Wash and cut the onion and diced carrot. Heat thesunflower oil in a pan and turn a little stove.

2.Put the liquid egg in the pan. Sauté until eggs are almost cooked. Remove andset aside.

3.Put the minced pork to skillet and cook. Then, pour the onion and continue tosauté.

4.Add the green soybeans, carrots and salt ½ c.à.c. All blow.

5.Add the rice and sauté well.

6.Finally, pour in the eggs, light soy sauce, white pepper. Sauté untilrice crunch. PourIt Up.

Ingredientsfor Exotic Chinese Fruit Bowl Recipe

4 kumquats

4 lichees

4 loquats

4 mandarine orange slices

4pineapple chunks

4candied cherries

2qt. finely crushed ice

ExoticChinese Fruit Bowl Preparation

Preparethe fruit for eating by cutting into bite-size pieces. Place the crushed ice ina shallow fruit bowl; pack and invert onto a colorful platter or silver tray.Carefully make indentations in the ice with your finger, put a toothpick ineach piece of fruit and set in the indentations. Serve at once.

Ingredientsfor Chinese Pork Ribs Recipe

3lb Pork ribs; cut in 2 pieces

-acrossthe bone and

-separatedinto individual


1sm Jar orange marmalade

1sm Jar plum jam

1Bottle soy sauce

2ts Ground fresh ginger

1Whole garlic; chopped

ChinesePork Ribs Preparation

Theday before cooking: Cut ribs into portion size, salt and pepper. Place in deeppan, big enough to hold ribs and sauce. Mix soy sauce, marmalade, plum jam,garlic and ginger. Pour over ribs. Cover with foil (airtight). Put inrefrigerator overnight. Next day, stir and mix the sauce and ribs well. Coverwith foil (again, airtight). Cook in the pan on the grill for 3/4 hour or untiltender. Take out, put on grill rack and brown. Takes only a few minutes.

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