Hakka Chinese food

Hakka Chinese food

The kitchen Hakka Chinese food (Chinese: 客家 菜; pinyin: kejia CAI) also called in Chinese, 东江 菜, Dongjiang Cai, the kitchen is created and practiced by the Chinese minority Hakka (Kejia rén, 客家人) or “families invited or visitors “. They are Han Chinese living in south-east China, mainly in the provinces of Guangdong and Fujian, who consider the distant descendants of refugees from the northern provinces. They traditionally live in the mountains where they had to work hard to survive.

Travelers immigrants from the far North China, the Hakka often carried their food, conservation is making the form of salted or dried. Hakka cuisine is nutritious: salty, aromatic, greasy, oily and cooked. It is simple and limited to a taste by dish: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Cooking is simple with little decoration; the cooking time can be long. Rice production is limited in the mountains, they use much sweet potatoes, taro roots and yams. The most typical dishes include lots of offal. The beef and fish are quite rare.

The Hakka cooking is not regional cuisine but rather an ethnic cuisine. This kitchen is widespread in south-east China and in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia.

representative dishes [edit | modify the code]

salt crust Chicken (Dongjiang yán jú jī, 東江 鹽 焗 雞)

duck stuffed with glutinous rice (Nuo mǐ yā, 糯米 鴨)

Bouillon ground beef dumplings (niúròu wánzǐ Tang 牛肉 丸子 汤)

Slices of pork alternated with preserved mustard greens (Kou Rou, 扣肉)

Fondue Hakka (pén Cai 盆菜)

Tofu stuffed with minced pork (Niang dòufǔ, 豆腐)

stuffed tofu pot (Dongjiang Niang dòufǔ, 東江 釀 豆腐 煲)

Drink made from a mixture of pounded green tea, peanuts, mint, etc. (Léi chá, 擂茶)


Pulp and tapioca yam-shaped abacus (suan pánzǐ, 算盘 子) can be cooked with minced chicken, pork, shrimp or vegetables

Mesona jelly, herb related to the mint (xiān cǎo, 仙草)

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