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- Hamburg model enables practice without a doctor
Hamburg model enables practice without a doctor
Examined in Hamburg, treated from Heidelberg. The Heidelberg University Hospital opens the world's first purely telemedical practice for the examination of diseases of the peripheral nervous system in Hamburg.
Make the pain visible
People with nervous diseases often suffer several times. On the one hand, the nerve damage causes them pain and restricts them. On the other hand, it is often difficult to determine the exact cause and location of the nerve damage. Peripheral neuropathies are the most common neurological disorder. The causes are just as different as the symptoms. This in turn makes therapy so difficult.
at every third diabetes patient sooner or later nerve damage occurs. Nerve damage can also occur as a side effect of chemotherapy, alcohol abuse, vascular disease, or genetic predisposition. The range of symptoms is wide: neuropathy can lead to disorders of the sensation of pain, touch or temperature, but also to chronic pain, discomfort and paralysis.
Only a few years ago there was a new method of magnetic resonance therapy (MRT), MR neurography, the possibility of depicting even the smallest nerve damage and thus enabling the best possible therapy. This new procedure was largely developed and established at the Heidelberg University Hospital.
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The first Hamburg practice without a doctor
Until now, patients who promised a clear diagnosis through MR neurography had to take the often long journey to Heidelberg. With the MRT practice Neuer Wall Hamburg want the Neuroradiologists from Heidelberg Save patients from northern Germany the long way to the south. In addition to a powerful, state-of-the-art MRI device, specially trained personnel are required. The practice team therefore consists of medical technical assistants who have previously been extensively trained in Heidelberg.
They carry out the examination on site, while the specialists from Heidelberg follow the examination in real time via a secure fiber optic network. The Review results are then discussed via ehealth conference. If necessary, additional specialists from all over the world can be brought in.
Thanks to telemedicine diagnosis via ehealth chat
Some nerve damage can only be clearly identified with the new method. For example, in patients with a rare nerve disease in the arm (Kiloh-Nevin syndrome), it was long believed that the fine motor functions of the thumb and forefinger were caused by a pinched nerve in the forearm. Only with MR neurography could it be shown that the problem was in the upper arm of all patients. The smallest, smallest nerve fibers were damaged by inflammation, for example. A better understanding of the disease also enables a more targeted and thus more effective treatment of the symptoms. Not every nerve damage can be cured, but MR neurography can provide valuable information on the best possible form of therapy and thus prevent unnecessary surgery and instead enable surgery in the right place. Special diagnostics in Hamburg are still only open to private patients, but it should also be possible to offer statutory patients in the future.
The best medicine – where it is needed
The model of the Hamburg practice is a prime example of the possibilities of telemedicine. As with stroke patients in Bavaria, it brings specialist and patient together.
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In this way, it helps to bridge distances, reduce effort and costs and enable the best therapy. Ultimately, this benefits patients, doctors and payers.