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  • Health smart health connected objects: friends … or enemies?

Health smart health connected objects: friends … or enemies?


Health smart health connected objects: a major economic challenge

Beyond their interest in maintaining fitness and preventing health, the issue of sensors used in quantified self is colossal economically, translating a real social upheaval: these sensors will amount to 75 billion on the horizon 2020 (source: Morgan Stanley, 2013) around the world, and 2 billion smart health connected objects, – whatever their fields of application, – will be sold in France by then (source: Sanofi, LabSanté) …

smart health connected objects health: a societal transformation

Emmanuel Gadenne, author of the Practical Guide Quantified Self, gives this definition in its introduction: "the quantified self gathers in a generic way the tools, principles and methods allowing each of us to know ourselves better, to measure data relating to our body, to our health, to our state general or the objectives we set ourselves.

The movement of self-quantification emerged around the years 2007-2008 but its premises appeared in 2003 on the Internet with patient forums to exchange tips and best practices between Internet users by zapping health professionals. Fortunately, they have been able to preserve their role as healthy prescribers among users, and in turn to appropriate this inevitable evolution in their practice of medicine. smart health connected health is now a true partner of classical medicine.
