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- Honeysuckle and forsythia powder for your natural health
Honeysuckle and forsythia powder for your natural health
Yin Qiao San-Honeysuckle and forsythia powder
Honeysuckle and forsythia powder
Traditional therapeutic uses
Main indications : flu and cold spring andsummer , mumps, measles in the early stages , roseola , chicken pox ,pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
Chinese health philosophy :this preparation has thefunction of removing the heat Toxic Internal and External Heat Humidity Wind .
Associated symptoms: fever without sweating, headache, muscle pain and stiffness , stuffy nose, cough with mucus , rednessand inflammation of the skin caused by a microbe, red tongue , greasy and whiteor yellow coating .
As this preparation is in different formsand at various dosages , it is important to follow the manufacturer’srecommendations. Short-term use .
This honeysuckle and forsythia powderproduct has been created to combat infectious diseases in children. In thelatter, all infections are rapidly converted into heat due to internal naturevery Yang . Some microbes produce heat Toxic Internal such as measles , mumps,pharyngitis, etc. . Yin Qiao San suitable for flu spring and summer because theenergy of the seasons is more Yang and causes more heat . This preparationshould be in the early stages of infectious diseases, because it does notcontain plants that tone . If the disease does not follow its normal cycle ,such as a flu that lasts more than ten days , it is best to consult a therapistin traditional Chinese medicine and a doctor. All infections must be tackledquickly.
This honeysuckle and forsythia powderproduct is quoted in Wen Bing Tiao volume Bian ( Systems to differentiateantipyretic diseases) written by the famous doctor Jo- Tong Wu in 1798.
When tested on rats in which they had afever induced with endotoxins, Chinese researchers have shown that thispreparation, as well as seven other preparations used in traditional Chinesemedicine, could actually reduce the fever in rats.
Because Intertidal and refreshing propertiesof this preparation , it is Contraindications for infections with signs of cold: nervousness , need to cover , cough with white mucus , pale tongue with whitecoating.
You can click here to see honeysuckle and forsythia powder products
There are a lot of products designed on themodel of the traditional preparation . However, some of them contain syntheticdrugs without necessarily indicated on the packaging. It is advisable to stickto products with reliable certification in quality and integrity .
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