Host a ThingPark against smart health connected objects

Actility is one of Sigfox's competitors which is starting to be talked about, especially following its fundraising of 25 million dollars announced on June 16.

Actility ThingPark

Actility is, to put it simply, a provider of network solutions and information systems for the Internet of Things (IoT or Ido in French). Among the offers, the one I'm mainly going to tell you about is ThingPark. It is also to accelerate the go-to-market strategy of this offer that the company raised funds on June 16; fundraising in which prestigious names in the telecoms sector have participated: KPN, Orange, Swisscom and Foxconn.

But back to the title of this post! I will try to keep it as simple as possible in my presentation so that everyone can understand what it is all about; even simplify things a little too much.

Actility offers you to participate in the ThingPark Hotspot operation and host a ThingPark Wireless box on your roof or on your balcony so that you can, in return, access their service offer around the smart health connected house and receive free intelligent sensors in particular to monitoring, control and improve the energy efficiency of your health home.

By offering this, the company hopes to develop its ThingPark Wireless network. This network uses “disruptive long range, two-way radio technology”; that is to say a network compliant with Semtech's LoRa standards (the same technology that Bouygues Telecom plans to deploy). It only needs a few antennas to cover all of a city's long-range sensors! These sensors are very low consumption sensors and inexpensive to deploy.

Actility ThingPark

Looking at the description of this offer, we quickly understand the interest that KPN, Orange, Swisscom and Foxconn have had in investing in this network dedicated to the Internet of Things. It is a safe bet that these operators are or will soon be involved in the deployment of these antennas. Combine wifi antennas, low consumption sensors and cloud platform and you quickly get a powerful network deployed over a vast territory.

So which strategy will pay the most? Sygfox's cellular network using free radio frequency bands or Actility's long range wifi network? Case to follow!

To find out a little more, watch this ehealth from Dickel Sooriah, marketing manager at Actility, who presented the ThingPark Wireless project almost a year ago:

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