How can regular tea consumption affect your well-being?

The tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. After water, it is even the most consumed beverage. In France, it takes today a greater importance because of all its benefits on the organization. You will understand with this article how the regular consumption of tea can bring you well-being on a daily basis.

Green tea, black tea, red tea or white tea?

Is it so difficult to know the difference between the different types of tea ? The most consumed tea in France is black tea, just ahead of green tea. Black tea comes from the same leaves as green tea, that is to say the leaves of the tea plant, with the difference that it undergoes complete oxidation. Green tea undergoes a lighter oxidation and the rarer and more expensive white tea corresponds to a very light oxidation. Red tea, wrongly called tea, is actually rooibos, a drink made from the leaves of a shrub endemic to South Africa, containing no theine unlike other teas.

An antioxidant effect

This is primarily what is highlighted in the consumption of tea: the antioxidant effect released by certain molecules (polyphenol and flavonoids) contained in the leaves of the tea tree. This effect will act on several areas of the body. It prevents the risk of cardiovascular disease, soothes nervous tension to promote sleep and helps digestion. Tea is also recommended after a hearty meal or during a period of detoxification.

A little boost without the negative effects

Tea contains theine, which is like caffeine but with a less aggressive action. The theine therefore promotes a boost, which makes this drink an ideal ally for breakfast, during or after lunch and during the mid-afternoon. The tea will encourage better concentration, which will result in making you more efficient at work or in your activities.

How to choose your tea?

The choice of tea depends mainly on your taste. Some teas are more expensive because they are more qualitative than others, but it is also possible to access high quality teas without breaking the bank. The different tastes of tea depend above all on its color. Green tea has a more vegetal taste than black tea, which is spicier, for example. But among the kinds of tea, it is still necessary to distinguish specific flavors: thus, Lapsang Souchong, a Chinese black tea, has a smoky taste and Gyokuro, Japanese green tea, is considered the best green tea in the world because of its special taste but also for its benefits, which are said to be more active than other teas. White tea, on the other hand, is acclaimed for its delicate and flowery aromas.

The preparation of tea

Knowing how to take advantage of the benefits of tea means knowing how to prepare it well. Thus, for tea to act on the body, it is necessary to know how to preserve its molecules by not boiling the water. It is recommended to infuse the leaves or the sachet for five to six minutes in simmering water (never more than 90 degrees). Also be careful that the leaves are not too old: beyond eighteen months to two years, they lose all their antioxidant powers. We recognize if a tea is too old if the leaves are dry and crumble when rubbed.

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