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  • How do I cleanse a Jade Gua Sha and cleanse the Rose Quartz Gua Sha – Anti-Aging?

How do I cleanse a Jade Gua Sha and cleanse the Rose Quartz Gua Sha – Anti-Aging?


Gua Sha is a traditional health and beauty remedy from ancient China. It is used to gently scrape the skin to increase microcirculation and improve lymphatic drainage.

The process of cleaning your Gua Sha after use is fairly simple, but a necessary part of the overall treatment ritual. Since the gua sha needs to glide smoothly over the skin in most cases, use some form of gua sha oil as part of the treatment.

The need for an oil-based product with Gua Sha treatments increases when the skin is looser and more prone to wrinkles, so removing this oil after treatment is essential.

When choosing an oil to use with the treatment, make sure the oil is safe for the skin and preferably for oral use. We recommend green tea oil as it was traditionally used with the gua sha in ancient China and is less greasy than most oils, making it less likely to cause breakouts.

When you have finished the treatment, wash the Gua Sha thoroughly with gentle dish soap and warm water and dry thoroughly.

It’s worth noting that if you do this repeatedly over time, it will leech the color out of some cheap jade gua sha’s. This is because they are not made from real nephrite jade, but from the serpentine stone more common in India and the Afghan region. This type of jade is commonly referred to as “false jade”. Real jade is not affected by this cleaning process.

Once dry, sprinkle the gua sha with either a isopropyl alcohol spray or a Colloidal Silver Spray since both kill 99.99% of bacteria. Allow the Gua Sha to dry, then place it back in its silk case for safekeeping before the next treatment.

Just before the next use of the Gua Sha, it is worth spraying the crystal tools again to ensure that no bacteria have attached themselves to the tools before the treatment. Real silk is actually antibacterial so this last step is especially important if you are not storing the gua sha in a silk box or are unsure if the silk used is real.

If you spray the gua sha again with isopropyl alcohol before use, it is important to allow the alcohol time to evaporate otherwise it can dry out the skin. For this reason, colloidal silver spray is often preferable to isopropyl alcohol.

When the Gua Sha is used in the clinic and on a variety of people, it is often advisable to supplement the process with a UV sanitizer as a second step to ensure maximum hygiene for your clients.

A brief summary of the process is included below. To learn more about the Anti-Aging Jade Gua Sha or Rose Quartz Gua Sha Please follow the links

  1. Wash the Gua Sha in warm water with a gentle dish soap.

  2. Let them dry

  3. Spray the gua sha with colloidal silver or isopropyl alcohol.

  4. Allow to dry and return to the silk-lined box

  5. Spray again with colloidal silver or isopropyl alcohol and allow to dry before use.

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