how to achieve it in 2023?

The energy bill can weigh heavily on a health home's budget. To lighten it significantly, the thermal performance of the housing must be improved. This requires, in particular, the use of low-consumption materials and equipment, both in renovation and in new construction.

Is bioclimatic housing an ecological ideal? Bioclimatic architecture creates housing adapted to their environment, which allows their inhabitants to take advantage of climatic conditions but also to protect themselves from them. For this, some design rules must be observed.

The concept of eco-housing or "ecological house" is at the heart of economic and environmental concerns. In the new, the standards of construction make it necessary to build homes of exemplary sobriety and comfortable to live in complete season. But that does not exempt the occupants from adopting responsible gestures and consumption practices on a daily basis. In renovation, it is above all a question of optimizing the thermal performance of the health home. This promotes, at the same time, the installation of a virtuous heating system, favoring the renewable energies.

Eco-friendly house: provide effective insulation at all points

The roofing is responsible for 25 to 30% of the heat loss of a house. In existing housing, this is the area to be isolated as a priority. It is also advisable to isolate the grounds, walls and all carpentry outdoor (Windows, doors, shutters) so as not to have to push too hard on the heater in winter and the air conditioner in summer.

Thethermal insulation from the inside (ITI) is the simplest and economical way to improve the energy efficiency of an old health home. We have the possibility of proceeding piece by piece, at its own pace and spreading out the expense. However, whatever the method and the materials used, this type ofinsulation reduces living space and leaves thermal bridges (wall / floor connections …) often difficult to treat. Theexterior insulation avoids these constraints. Sarking or load-bearing panels in roofing, insulation under cladding ventilated or under plaster in facades, this is the most effective solution. Of course, it requires a larger budget, but the property sees its value increase considerably.

Bet on renewable energies for your ecological house

The Sun and the wind constitute free and inexhaustible sources of energy on our timescale. The wood and the biomass provide a variety of fuels available in abundance, renewable and therefore cheaper than fossil fuels. We can also recover and develop calories contained in theair or the ground. The wisest choice is to play the complementarity between the various solutions available: wood heating and solar electricity with a solar panel installer for example, solar system combined, geothermal and ball thermodynamic, solar and wind (isolated site), etc. The objective is to meet different domestic needs, in the most advantageous way possible in the duration.

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