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How to choose the nature of food and know the natural health benefits?

The important to choose the nature of food

Do you konw how important to choose thenature of foods?We should adapt the type of food we eat according to ourconstitution, our needs and the current season. But how to choosethe nature of food?

The constitution of each is determined by the health conditions of the parentsat the time of conception (of the physical but also emotional). Schematically,we can distinguish two types of constitution:

 – The constitution Yin. It is characterized by a lack of vitality,chronic fatigue and a certain reluctance. These people fall sick easily andhave a tendency to obesity. They should therefore consume a relatively largeamount of warm or hot food in nature.

 – The constitution Yang. It ischaracterized by a strong vitality, strong bones and resistance to climatechange. These people are rather slim. Also, they should typically consume foodcool or cold in nature.

The needs of each vary according to daily activities (work, leisure, etc.)..People spending a lot of Yang will focus on foods warm or hot in nature. Peoplewith activities mainly Yin (intellectual work, for example) should focus onfoods cool or cold in nature.

The season also affects the nature of the food consumed. During the warmerseasons, it would be better to eat mostly foods nature rather cool or cold.During the cooler seasons, it should primarily consume products such warm orhot.

In all cases, the base of the diet should include priority nature neutralfoods.

To establish an energy balance between thepatient and the disease course , we can provide the body with energy supplementthat lacks choosing foods according to their nature .

Indeed , the choice of foods according to their nature will seek to regulateand circulate energy and blood in the body , harmonize the different functionstogether to evacuate pathogens and support resistance the person to disease.

For example :– For people with a cold or being in a general state of deficiency or cold, warmor hot foods in nature will be preferred .– For persons in good health and general balanced state , we mainly providefood nature neutral .– For people with diseases of heat or being in a condition of excess or heat,cool or cold foods in nature will be preferred .

So now you know the important to choosethe nature of foods.

Can We change the nature of food ?

Basically, the natureof a food depends on its origin: plant foods are rather cold or cool, whilefoods from animal kingdom are lukewarm or hot.

This nature also comes from the climate or culture grows . For example, foodhot or warm in nature from particular cultures altitudes or in cold climates.Similarly, cold foods are most often from hot or equatorial climates , andseashore

We have the ability to change the nature of a food during its preparation : themore food will major heat intensity or duration , the more its nature becomehot .

This occurs by two types of operations:– According to cooking methods : a steaming will cause less heat input thancooking directly on the fire– According to the methods of processing : drying in the sun or in the oven,fermentation , infusion …

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