How to choose your garage door?


The choice of a garage door is an important point in terms of safety, practice and aesthetics. When one begins to take an interest in this area, one realizes that there are a large number of criteria for choosing a garage door. We will see today how to choose a garage door.

If the more handymen can install it themselves, usually it will take call a garage door installer. But the choice of the door will remain yours. The choice of a garage door can be summed up in three main criteria.

I. The clutter of the garage door

Indeed, to begin, the choice of the garage door will rest on its size and the space available in the garage. To meet all needs, there are different types of openness. But first and foremost, think about looking at your garage from the inside: pipe passages, a beam, an electricity meter, etc. are all elements that can prevent the installation of a particular type of door.

The swing garage door

The swing garage door is composed of two wings opening on the outside. It has the advantage of not occupying space inside the garage, but will instead require space outside for the opening of the doors.

The sliding garage door

The sliding garage door, also called sectional side garage door, is suspended on a rail, and guided to the ground by another rail. It is composed of several panels articulated between them, which slide on the rails to be positioned along the inner wall when it is open. It takes up very little space, but requires a piece of wall at least equal to the length of the opening to be able to pass the door.

The tilting garage door

The swing garage door is attached to rails on either side of the door, allowing the door to be raised to the ceiling. It is easy to handle and requires little space to operate. This is the most popular model, because of its very affordable price.

The sectional garage door

The sectional garage door is very close to the overhead door (vertical opening and ceiling positioning), but will be more flexible because it is composed of several articulated panels. It can thus be partially opened.

The rolling garage door

The rolling garage door optimizes the space occupied by the door. Composed of several blades articulated together, it opens by winding these blades around an axis, like a shutter. It will however provide enough space in height to accommodate the trunk while leaving a sufficient height for the vehicle.

Modern doors, made of articulated panels, are more expensive, but in return provide better insulation. The panels are in fact filled with polyurethane foam. Side and floor seals are also put in place to ensure perfect insulation, whether against cold or heat.

II. The materials for the garage door

The garage door can be made of different materials, such as wood, PVC, or metal. The materials of course influence aesthetics, but also weight and safety.

  • Wood has the advantage of being aesthetic and being a good natural insulator. On the other hand, it will require maintenance, and will primarily target side or sliding doors because of its weight.

  • Steel offers less insulation, but allows a less thick door than wood. Generally treated anticorrosion, painted, lacquered or galvanized, steel allows to have a garage door resistant and low maintenance.

  • Aluminum has the great advantage of being very light, perfect for vertical openings. It also requires little maintenance. On the other hand it is a strong thermal conductor, therefore little insulation.

  • Finally, PVC, also light, may be suitable for all kinds of openings. It is economical, offers good insulation, but is unfortunately a weak protection against burglary.

III. The aesthetics of the garage door

Then remains the aesthetics. In this area, there is plenty of choice. The decoration is often made of ribs, which can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, broad, thin, etc. Some models may also have portholes, or small windows.

It will first of all be necessary to comply with the rules imposed by the PLU: the change of the garage door can change the appearance of the house, and therefore require approval from the town hall. To check before making your choice!

If you plan heavy work, know that manufacturers offer "packs" with front door and garage door, to standardize the facade of the house. It can even go to the gate and gate.

IV. The motorization

Finally, most garage doors can be motorized. Some doors integrate the motorization directly. For others, it will usually be possible to add the engine after the fact: motorized articulated arms (like that of gates) if you have a swing door; remote motorisation if you have a door swinging or sectional to the ceiling (it will be necessary in this case to provide the place between the open door and the ceiling). The choice of motorization will be on the speed of opening / closing, and the sound level thereof.

Only the sliding door can pose some problems to the motorization.

Most engines have a dry contact to be integrated in a home automation system, as we had seen for example for drive your garage door with Google Assistant. Once the engine is in place, everything is possible, whether you want to control it simply from a remote control, smartphone, or even voice
