What is your temper? how to control a temper?

How to control a temper?

“I am told that I have nothing … But I do feel that I have something! “

It’s a thought that comes up often.

It’s such a strong intuition that you have no doubts. There is something wrong.

Maybe you are more tired than usual … Or you feel heavy, gloomy, upset …

You expect your doctor to give you an answer – to put words into your pain.

But when he examines you, surprise: no symptoms… therefore, no diagnosis.

Your symptoms do not respond to any diagnosis?In the worst case scenario, he’ll tell you it’s in your head … and he’ll send you home.

If he’s conscientious, he’ll send you for a blood test. But the blood test will probably be normal and you will be told “everything is fine” …

It doesn’t change anything: you still feel bad, bothered, as if something is wrong without you being able to put your finger on it – as if an evil is secretly growing. You will end up wondering if it’s not in your head that this is happening …

If you recognize yourself in this story, you absolutely must know this: You are not the one with the problem!

In fact, the worst weakness of conventional medicine is diagnostics. Remember, doctors have 15 minutes to check you out as you spend 24 hours a day with yourself.

Also, blood tests are not an exact reflection of your health. It is especially the serious ailments that are detected there, and not the daily discomfort – which can poison your life, and which deserves to be corrected!

Some conditions can go unnoticed for a long time, and only become visible when it is too late … So if you feel that something is wrong, you have to understand what it is all about.

The ways to hope to prevent disease before it’s too late

That’s the purpose of my letter today: to help you decipher the signals your body is sending you, and which are often difficult to read.

Conventional medicine does not take enough account of how the patient is feeling, and relies only on visible symptoms – what you can read on a blood test, smell by touch, or see on an MRI.

The problem is, ignoring the warning signs of illness, modern medicine is in an emergency … and makes many misdiagnosis!

Many serious illnesses could be prevented if they were spotted in time. And there are natural ways to tell if your body is trying to tell you that something serious is happening.

Here are some of the things you should know in order to be able to read your body’s signals:

  • Do you know what striated nails are?

  • Do you know the 3 ways to estimate your overall vitality?

  • Are you paying attention to the condition of your tongue?

  • Do you know your hormonal profile?

  • Do you adapt your diet to your Hippocratic constitution?

These are some of the questions that I will answer, by presenting you the 14 naturopathic tests thanks to which you will be able to:

  • Decipher the signals your body sends

  • Find out which lifestyle is best for you

  • Optimize your vitality

  • Hope to anticipate and prevent disease

Don’t get me wrong: this is not about making a counterdiagnosis, but about anticipating the harm, and giving you the keys to understanding how your body communicates with you. Help you know how you are doing, which organs to watch out for, if you have deficiencies, how to adapt your lifestyle to your needs …

… or even pinpoint an illness long before it is too late.

Our body sends us a multitude of signals with each passing minute. It is enough to know how to recognize them and not to ignore them.

Why Do Doctors Make Misdiagnosis?

To understand misdiagnosis you need to know one thing about doctors – it has to do with their training.

A doctor is a searcher for lesions, that is, injuries. He learned to recognize thousands of lesions during his studies, and he tries to find them in his patients to indicate the appropriate treatment. You’ve probably noticed: before telling you “what it is”, a doctor will tell you “what it is not”.

A doctor is not a health specialist; he is a specialist in disease, and in a very specific type of disease: those that are known, understood and taught on the faculty benches.

But some pathologies are not accompanied by lesions … There are “deaf cancers”, which grow in silence and are only detected when it is too late or almost … While certain signs could put you on the trail of cancer much earlier .

Certain lesions remain misunderstood, even unknown to conventional medicine – I am thinking of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, for which there is NO effective treatment.

Finally, lesions are the advanced stage of the disease, and some diseases simmer for years when you should act at the first sign of imbalance in your body, before the injury!

This article covers all of these topics. At the end of it, you will know:Spotting the warning signs of the disease before it appearsTake the right precautions to resolve these dysfunctions and stay as far as possible from diseasesDifferentiate between “good health” and “absence of disease”Adapt your lifestyle to your own constitution, and your personal needs

You will understand: my message today is different from the others. This is a complete presentation of the tools most used in natural health to better anticipate future diseases and customize solutions according to your constitution.

I will give you all the testing and assessment tools that make naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine or Ayurveda so successful … and I will teach you how to use them. You can talk to your doctor about it

But first, I would like to give you a real life example of what these great tools can do for you.

Depression that wasn’t

You have depression. Quite severe depression.The day Marie realized that something was wrong, she decided to see her doctor. After several appointments where he did not explain his weight gain, insomnia and constant hopelessness, he diagnosed her with depression.

Obviously, he had said. And that’s all that sticks.

Don’t worry, he added. Depression is mostly about chemistry. If you are ill, it is because your blood serotonin levels are too low. And we can bring it up.

On her advice, Marie therefore took selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) [1] for several months. SSRIs (Prozac, Paxil, Celexa) are the most common antidepressants; they are used to raise the level of serotonin in the blood.

Yet as her serotonin levels skyrocketed, Marie was no better. In fact, over time, things got worse. She had gained weight and was still not sleeping. She was limp and tasted like nothing. Depressed, isolated and unable to work, she had had to put an end to her caregiver activity.

For those who experience depression, you know it is a self-sustaining disease. Its consequences (social isolation, weight gain, self-neglect, sleep problems, lack of joy and motivation) become its causes, and lead patients into a downward spiral from which it is very difficult to get out.

But luck ends up smiling on Marie. A few meters from her apartment, which she hardly ever left, a naturopathic practice opened, run by my friend Nicolas Wirth (naturopath and editor-in-chief of Solutions Naturopathie) who was just starting out in the profession.

Quite by chance, Marie made an appointment with Nicolas when she realized that the antidepressants were having NO effect on her.

The victory of plants over antidepressants

After an anamnesis (summary of history), a blood test and a detailed questionnaire, Nicolas asked himself a question that Marie’s doctor had never asked himself: what if it was dopamine?

It wasn’t a serotonin problem. In fact, his serotonin levels were even above average, as evidenced by each of his blood tests.

It was a severe deficit in dopamine, the other mood-determining neurotransmitter … that mainstream medicine all too often overlooks.

I could explain to you for a long time why the dopamine trail was not explored by Marie’s doctor: medical school programs are not updated when they should, SSRIs are such a heavy market that it weighs heavily. with all its weight on prescriptions… but that’s not my topic today.

On the other hand, I can tell you that Marie followed, on Nicolas’ advice, a natural protocol based on L-tyrosine (an amino acid that influences mood) and adaptogenic plants [2] (rhodiola and ginseng in head).

Within weeks, Marie regained sufficient fitness and mood to work. She ended up losing all the weight she had gained, and sleeping well. Marie’s doctor was right about one thing: it was a question of chemistry. It was still necessary to know how to answer them.

How Neurotransmitters “Make” Your Personality

This little story shows how easy it is to get caught up in a misdiagnosis.

Imagine if Marie had never gone to see Nicolas: how long would she have suffered from a depression that doctors cannot treat?

But it is also a testament to the importance of neurotransmitters (like dopamine and serotonin) in the mood, and more broadly in the personality.

Now imagine if she had known how to perceive, by simple questions about her condition and her habits, a dopamine deficit, and simply have it validated by a blood test and a medical opinion?

The moral of the story is that Marie could have avoided depression by knowing the tests that assess the state of her neurotransmitters.

There are four important chemical messages in your nervous system:

  • Dopamine (the motivator)

  • Acetylcholine (the memorizer)

  • GABA (the relaxant)

  • Serotonin (the repairer)

We are all influenced by these neurotransmitters, and each has a chemical message that dominates the others in their body.

Dopamine profiles are more determined and determined than average, seek action, demonstrate critical thinking, and are more comfortable with logic than emotions. 17% of the population is in this category.

The “acetylcholine” profiles are more creative, even romantic. They are creative personalities who see the world through the prism of emotions, always in search of stimulation and novelty. They represent 16% of the population.

The “GABAs” stand out for their Olympian calm and their self-confidence. They like routine, organization and traditions. They are affectionate people, close to their family and friends. This profile represents 50% of the population.

Finally, “serotonins” adapt to everything, are more successful than others at resolving conflicts. They are passionate, calm and sometimes impulsive. They represent 17% of the population.Each profile has its own characteristics, and we are all subtle mixtures of these chemical messages. The important thing, of course, is knowing how to identify deficits and be able to resolve them to keep your mood from drifting.

Read me to the end, and you will know how to determine the most active neurotransmitter in your body.

But before that, I would like to explain to you how Nicolas managed to find out something that a doctor hadn’t even thought of checking when he had been following Marie for years …

Why a naturopath knows things most doctors don’t

The doctors are injury specialists, injury researchers.

They have a catalog of lesions available, and look for a match between the lesions they know, and the problem you are consulting for.

But I didn’t tell you about naturopaths, or Ayurveda, or Chinese medicine practitioners.

They are specialists in good health.

Their expertise is the functions of the body. They know everything about your organs and their synergy, are on the lookout for the slightest imbalance, the slightest dysfunction.

… and they can save you valuable healthy years because they help you solve serious problems before they even appear.

So, to all those who say to themselves “I am told that I have nothing, but I feel that I have something!” », Never give up.

When you’re not feeling well, it’s your body talking to you, and although the signals are sometimes subtle, you know there is something.

My job, and that of naturopaths, is to help you understand that “something” – what it is.

There are countless tools for this, and I will offer you in a few moments to obtain them to free you from the only diagnosis, to determine more autonomously whether you are well or not, and to keep an eye on the most important signals. that your body sends you.

With that, I assure you that it will be almost impossible for you to suffer a misdiagnosis …

3 tips to know if you are “brooding” something

I guess you’ve already noticed: we are not equal in the face of disease.

These differences are explained by your level of vitality.

Vitality is this vital force that drives you, called Qi in China or Prana in India … This is what gives:

  • The shine of your eye

  • Your skin tone

  • The color of your tongue

I will talk about these three points again, because they are parameters that are ESSENTIAL to determine your state of form. They are the ones who change first if you “brood” something.

That’s not all: vitality is, in a way, the most accurate reflection of your health. It governs the body’s life and self-healing processes, and the intensity of a fever, for example, is its manifestation.

Your vitality is determined by your constitution (we speak of innate vitality) and your personal history (acquired vitality). Of course, it also fluctuates depending on your nervous balance, your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, lifestyle …

So, it is these different types of vitality that shape your health, and which must be measured in order to ward off illnesses.

It is measured through a set of tests which are part of what I will propose to you to receive, among which the best known is undoubtedly the test of the Hippocratic constitutions (or temperaments).

What “temper” are you made of?

The constitutions test determines your “temper,” the type of person you are, along with your strengths, weaknesses, obsessions, and things you should watch out for in particular.

This major test in naturopathy has been proven for centuries by health experts, including physicians and naturopaths in the lineage of Hippocrates!

The approach of the 4 constitutions (or temperaments) has one point in common with all traditional medicines: it considers that we are influenced by different elements (water, air, fire and earth), by our internal fluids (blood, yellow bile, bile black, lymph) or by sensory qualities (hot, dry, wet, cold) present in us.

Defining your temperament would give you valuable insight into how you function at the metabolic, behavioral, and emotional levels.

Your temperament would inform you about your food needs, your way of digesting, your sleep and your pathological predispositions.

All you need to take the test is a pencil and your ability to self-analyze!

The investigation that you will conduct on your own, or on behalf of a loved one, will consist of gathering and identifying the following characteristics:

  • Your figure

  • The color of your face

  • The shape of your hands

  • Your energy level in general

  • The quality of your sleep

  • Your eating “behavior”

  • Your dominant emotion

  • Your usual attitude, or how those around you generally define you

By discovering your profile, you will have already come halfway.

All you have to do is become aware of your weaknesses, the behaviors you should avoid (which you adopt as soon as you feel bad in your life) or the pathologies that could affect you.

Then, you will be able to assimilate the good habits of hygiene of life in terms of food, physical exercise, management of the emotions or hydrology (which type of water, hot or cold, and which place of your body can benefit).

So, regardless of your age, gender, or even your health, you will surely learn more about yourself than you can imagine!

Get the best weapons to understand and defend your health The test of the Hippocratic constitutions isn’t the only one that can help you. It is even an entry point into the world of naturopathic check-ups, which you should take before others. But getting to know yourself and taking care of yourself is crucial.

To determine yours, all you have to do is answer several questions that may at first glance seem anecdotal:

Would you be able to skip a meal?What time of the day are you most tired?Are you prone to stress, or irritability?Do you sometimes suffer from migraines?Do you ever experience a feeling of heaviness in your legs?You may be familiar with one of the silhouettes above. But if you think you recognize yourself, wait until you take the full test – you might be surprised!

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