how to find the right recipe?

Diets… Adored by women's magazines, they are the haunt of health professionals. But what are we talking about when we talk about the word diet? And how do we find the “diet” that suits us?

Naturally yours: "The best diet is non-diet" In this new episode of "Naturally yours", nutritionist Arnaud Cocaul shares his opinion on diets. Are they good or bad? According to him, the best diet is not the one based on restriction but on quantity control.

In current use, dieting means a specific diet or eating plan that we will follow over a fixed period of time in order to lose weight. But diet has many other definitions in the health field. A diet can very well define a eating style that will be followed all year round with or without rules. You can also follow a therapeutic diet as part of a specific disease such as diabetes or kidney failure. For this, we usually call on a dietician for a food rebalancing. But then, what are we talking about here? Well, diet as a "food style". Indeed, if we want to hope find the right diet, we must forget the sham of the ideal regime with prohibitions. We have to ask the right questions and we will see which ones.

Does dieting mean restricting yourself?

What do I like to eat? This is the focal point. No one likes to eat foods that don't taste good. You need to think about the ones you love and prioritize them in your diet. Of course, this is not to be praised for ultra-processed foods, often appreciated by everyone for their exacerbated flavor and texture. It is best to choose from the raw products. In addition, you have to be curious. Do not hesitate to regularly taste foods that you do not like in various preparations and to go for something new. This will only widen the range of possibilities on your plate.

What is a balanced diet?

This is the all-round formula. To eat well, you must have a “balanced diet”. But what does eat healthy ? There are several things to remember. First of all, eating a balanced diet means providing our body with all of the so-called essential nutrients, that is to say those that it cannot produce endogenously, such as vitamins, certain amino acids, certain fats. But nobody is generally well enough informed to know in which foods this or that nutrient is found. Balanced diet is therefore a concept that allows everyone to bring enough calories to their body to support the activity of their metabolism and the biochemical reactions that take place within it. To eat a balanced diet, you must therefore eat foods from all food groups (or almost), with a strong preference for raw foods and as much variation as possible.

Do I have moral principles?

Eating is an act of everyday life. It is therefore better to avoid cognitive dissonance between our moral principles and our way of eating. If you do not want to eat sensitive living species or even no food from animal exploitation, know that this is possible provided you have good knowledge of nutrition to know which foods to favor in the plant kingdom so as not to miss nothing, even under a plan.

However, in certain cases (depending on age, state of health, etc.), dieting is strongly discouraged. The best is to make an appointment with a competent dietitian who will be able to inform you to know if you can, depending on the state of your health, adopt this diet, and if so, how to adapt it best. Remember that for vegan diets, vitamin B12 supplementation is essential. monitoring of zinc, iron and omega 3 status is also highly recommended.

Go on a diet or exercise dietary epicureanism?

If only one rule should prevail within your diet food, this is it. In his famous and masterful " Letter to Ménécée ", Epicurus roughly states his philosophy of pleasure and desire. He recalls that " among desires, some are natural, others vain, and that, among natural desires, some are necessary, others natural only ”.

Even if his speech can make people smile today, he emphasizes that the rational study of our desires is necessary to make informed choices. In this debate, we have those who want to make believe that a dietary epicureanism would be to eat everything and not to say no to certain desires or pleasures that we have. On the other hand, there are those who assail us when we state that we can eat a yogurt a day without danger, for example.

In other words, it is not because a food pleases us thanks to its taste characteristics that it is necessarily good for us (foods saturated with fats and sugars are a good example). But that does not mean that it is necessarily harmful to consume it sparingly. It is enough to know yourself and to study rationally the impact of its consumption on the health of the body and on the other consumptions which it can involve. This is why refusing an aperitif at an evening with friends or a piece of cake at a party is absurd.

On the other hand, it is for the same reasons that having an unrestrained consumption of everything that makes us want can, in reality, only lead to problems. Scientific understanding from all of this brings us to much more complex but much more useful obesity management perspectives than the simplistic saying " eat less, move more " In short, for a healthy diet, it is enough to use your reason and not to lack measure.

Obviously, in the current state of knowledge in nutrition, to have healthy daily eating habits is to eat raw or minimally processed products, a majority of varied plant foods from all food groups in order to ensure our intakes. macro and micro essential nutrients.

To conclude

You will understand, finding the right diet is combining pleasure, health and moral conscience for some, without frustrations. In other words, we must mourn these regimes against the current of current recommendations, necessarily anachronistic, and which have never been good examples to follow. The only good diet is one that can last all year, without causing frustration while taking care of your health.

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