How to give volume to thin lips?

What solutions are there to give volume to thin lips? Make-up, skin care or even injections, here are the tips of 3 experts to find a smile!

Answer with Mike, make-up artist.

  • Prepare the contours: by unifying the skin all around the lips with a little face powder. The color of the skin is homogeneous, the blurred imperfectionswe create a beautiful backdrop to highlight the mouth.

  • Highlight the cupid’s bow and the chin: by adding a touch ofhighlighter above the lip, just on the lines of the arch, we give an impression of volume on this zone which tends to lack it. Ditto on the curve of the chin, we blur with the finger a touch of highlighter to illuminate the lower part of the face.

  • Leave the edge blurred: put the color in the center of the mouth without redrawing the contour in pencil, especially on the lower lip, otherwise beware of the “dog’s mouth” effect. The jumbo pencils are perfect for a slightly imprecise application.

  • Soften pointed lips: erase their severe side and gain volume, by filling the hollow between the two points with the help of a natural pink pencil for the lips.

  • Bet on flashy colors: create a more sophisticated look with colored lacquers. The mirror shine catches the light and highlights the mouth. We choose a dazzling colorpoppy, fushia pink and we forget the darker ones (brown or purple) which accentuate the finesse of the lips.

What beauty treatments for thin lips?

Answer with Dominique Rist, Spa treatment expert.

  • Exfoliate regularly: regularly erase the contour of the mouth and the lips with a fine grain face product. On damp skin, perform smoothing movements with three fingers, without moving the skin. Exfoliation stimulates cell renewal and capillaries, energizes and smoothes the skin. We can erase 3 or 4 days immediately if you feel the need, to find a beautiful appearance quickly.

  • Bite his lips : it stimulates blood circulation, nourishes the cells, tones and enhances the color of the lips. It is done once or twice a day after applying a nourishing balm so that the mucous membrane is very flexible and does not crack.

  • Pinch the skin around the mouth : between the index finger and the thumb and without hurting yourself, pinch the skin around the mouth twice a day. The epidermis is stimulated, plumped up, fine lines smoothed.

  • Use a day cream or oil : the morning, we often forget the contour of the mouth when applying treatment. You can smooth the care with two fingers, one above, the other under the lips, but without moving the skin. Or place a drop of cream on 3 fingers, pressed gently between the nose and the chin.

What injections to restore volume to the lips?

Answer with Dr Catherine de Goursac, aesthetic doctor.

  • Smooth the top of the lipss: we eliminate the vertical wrinkles which let slip the lipstick by rehydrating with ainjection of hyaluronic acid. Here, it is not a question of giving volume but simply of smoothing out the unsightly streaks. We use a hygroscopic hyaluronic acid, which lasts a long time and does not attract water.

  • Re-lip the lips : we just give a little more volume to this area which delimits the mucous membrane and the skin with a hyaluronic acid from re-edging, injected into the skin. Very popular, this technique allows you to gain in sensuality and redefines the curve of the lips.

  • Step Up Cupid’s Bow : the idea is to increase the volume in the middle of the lip by injecting hyaluronic acid into the mucosa. With the trend ofselfie mouths”, this technique is very successful, especially with young women.

  • Erase the sad mouth effect : over time, the corners of the lips shrink and sag. Filler injections of hyaluronic acid in this area help to inflate and therefore to go up the commissures.

  • Highlight philtral ridges : these are the two vertical lines that start from the nose and determine the cupid’s bow. They tend to fade over time. With the help of resurfacing hyaluronic acid, these two ridges are accentuated, which puts the skin back under tension and rejuvenates the smile.

  • Talk to your doctor: adjust the correction by looking at the effect obtained between each injection, to stop when you judge the result satisfactory. We can also come accompanied, for example with a friend who knows us well and who will be able to advise us.

4 gestures to preserve your lips:

1. We avoid breathing through the mouth: this dehydrates the lips and makes them look always dry.

2. We avoid cigarette : responsible for premature aging of the mouth and lip contour. The gesture of contraction to aspire the smoke also promotes the appearance of vertical wrinkles above the mouth.

3. Morning and evening, we cover them with petroleum jelly : this shield is perfect for protecting them from external aggressions and slowing down their dehydration.

4. One thinks of unclenching the jaw : when the lower part of the face is tense, the features of the face harden and the mouth becomes more refined.

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