How to interpret the results?

You have invested in a scales operating by impedancemetry but you don’t know how to interpret the results ? Do not panic ! presents the main features of a impedance meter to better understand the different indicators and thus better understand your weight and… your new scale!

The different parameters to be interpreted on an impedance balance

#1 Weight

the weightgiven in kilograms, is used to measure the total body weight. Logic ! It includes both bone mass, lean mass (muscles), fat mass, water mass, in short everything!

Unlike a conventional scale, a impedance meter allows you to get the body composition detailswhich is interesting because the weight may be within “acceptable” standards (body mass index between 18.5 and 25) but if the fat mass is high, the weight can be distorted and the risk of problems of important health – hence the importance ofanalyze your body distribution via the other parameters that we will see in the following points.

Interpretation: To know if your weight is correct, I recommend that you calculate your body mass index which is a good indicator to assess the conformity of your weight in relation to your height. Remember that it is not possible to analyze a weight objectively without knowing the detailed distribution of your weight (lean mass, fat mass, etc.).

#2 Fat mass or body fat percentage

Impedance balances most often distinguish between:

  • There ” body fat mass » : this parameter designates all the compartments of the body including the fat tissueotherwise the quantity of fats present in your body.

  • The ” body fat percentage »: this is the share of fat mass in relation to the total weight of the body. The higher this rate, the greater the risk of overweight.

These two parameters are the best metrics to track when you want losing weight.

Interpretation: A high fat mass often reflects overweight problems. It also involves a high risk of health problems (risk of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular diseases, etc.). Conversely, a too little fat is also problematic. Fats, also called lipidsbeing essential to the functioning of the body, a level of fat mass that is too low risks hindering the proper activity of our organic functions.

How do I know if my body fat level is correct?

For’interpret the body fat rate of your impedance meterit is necessary to determine several parameters:

  • the sex. The body fat percentage is always higher in women due to the natural composition of women, which involves more adipose tissue (for the development of the chest in particular and the organs linked to procreation).

  • With agelean body mass tends to decrease which is why body fat values ​​may change as well.

Here is a table that summarizes the average fat mass values ​​according to age and sex. You can refer to it to analyze your body fat rate:

Interpretation of fat mass results in women:

Interpretation of fat mass results in men:

Warning: This table does not take into account the differences in terms of bodily constitution. If you are of an athletic nature, take a step back from the results that may indicate a state of “thinness”.

#3 Visceral fat

What is that ? There “ visceral fat indicates the amount of fat located in the abdominal area, ie around the viscera. Not all diagnostic scales give the result in kilograms, most estimate visceral fat on a scale of 1 to 59.

Interpretation: 1 = little visceral fat; 59 = significant level of visceral fat. Remark : Even if the weight or body fat percentage is low, it is possible to see a high visceral fat percentage.

The purpose of visceral fat is to surround and protect vital organs. But when present in excessive amounts, the risk of metabolic diseases is increased. Thus, it was observed that a high visceral fat levels increased the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes – hence the importance of monitoring this parameter in order to keep it as low as possible.

#4 Lean muscle mass

What is that ? There ” lean body mass “, Where ” muscular mass », represents the weight of the muscles of your body and the water contained in them. (As a reminder, our muscles naturally contain water).

Interpretation: A high rate of lean mass reflects a body constitution of a sporty nature with high muscle mass.

#5 Bone mass

What is that ? The bone mass is the total weight of the bones present in our body. It is more or less important depending on the constitution people.

Interpretation: Generally, this value does not change during a slimming diet, it can nevertheless change with age where the risk of osteoporosis is increased, hence the importance of long-term follow-up.

#6 Body water

What is that ? the water mass rate corresponds to the total amount of water in the body and expressed as a percentage of the total weight.

Remember that the human body is naturally made up of water (more than 50%): water plays an essential role because it is involved in many chemical reactions that allow the body to function properly. It is imperative to maintain the correct water level (neither too high nor too low) to ensure the proper functioning of the body. The average values ​​generally observed in men and women are as follows:

  • Woman: 45 to 60% water

  • Man: 50 to 65% water

Interpretation: A high water mass rate can hide a Water retention and “false” the weight by implying a state of overweight or obesity. Too low a rate can be explained by an unbalanced ratio due to too high a fat mass.

Caution: Keep in mind that the The body’s water level naturally fluctuates throughout the day. Hydration, meals, alcohol, physical activity, a hot bath or an illness are likely to cause the water levels in the body to vary. In women, periods of menstruation, menopause or pregnancy can promote temporary water retention. It is therefore important to always use the impedance meter under the same conditions (at the same time of day, ideally in the morning, on an empty stomach) and always after menstruation for women.

Another note: drinking a large amount of water before weighing will not increase the water level but the body fat level (due to additional weight gain). In addition, contrary to what one might think, dehydration can cause the body to retain water. Check out our article on different causes of water retention in the body.

#7 Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Function BMR present on some scales (example: the Tanita scales) allows to know its basal metabolism, that is to say the minimum energy needs of the body when it is at rest (expressed in calories or kilojoules).

Interpretation: One High BMR is often correlated with high muscle mass. The higher this function, the higher the body’s ability to burn calories, which is positive because then it is possible to lose weight more easily. Conversely, a low BMR testifies to a difficulty of the body to burn calories, it will then be more difficult to achieve weight lossespecially body fat.

#8 Metabolic age

Some impedance meters offer an indicator called ” metabolic age “. This function calculates themean age associated with basal metabolic rate.

Interpretation: Metabolic age should be compared to its real age. If the metabolic age is above your age, then your body is subject to a premature aging. A more active lifestyle and appropriate physical activity is therefore necessary.

A note from

You have seen it: body impedance scales allow you to calculate a lot of very useful parameters for monitoring your weight and/or your health. Be careful, however, because results may be wrong if certain conditions are not met: see our article for weigh yourself well with an impedance meter.

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