how to make your life easier with health home automation?


We have known for a long time already. The future of health undoubtedly passes through smart health connected objects. These allow to bring many solutions, to accompany the patients daily or even to help us to stay in good health. But in some cases, science is not enough. It is already too late or medicine can not do anything. 12 million people in France suffer from a type of disability. It may be motor, but it can also be a sensory problem (deafness, blindness …). Other types of accompaniment can help. Among them, the health home automation house is in the foreground. How to accompany a person with a disability in his privacy, in his daily life? Discover five objects that can help.

The smart wheelchair

We talk a lot about smart cars. But for some people, the first problem to move is that of the wheelchair. Cluttering, it can sometimes be difficult to handle. Some people may be unable to move it themselves, losing all autonomy.

Several smart wheelchair projects are currently on the move. The most "exciting" is undoubtedly the "smart health connected Wheelchair" developed by Intel in partnership with physicist Stephen Hawking. Still at the prototype stage (functional), it is able to memorize the paths of its user and to indicate to him information on the accessibility of the surrounding places. The most interesting is that he can also do real-time medical monitoring. he can to control the cardiac activity, the patient's temperature and of to prevent the rescue if needed.

We can also think of Neuromoov. This chair developed by the engineers of ESME Sudria school can move thanks to the thought. Science fiction? No. He uses brain waves and eye movements. These are detected by an EEG headset placed on the head of its user.

The health home automation lock reduces the handicap

Here we take the example of the lock but this logic is applicable to all domotic devices in the house. Thanks to a health home automation hub and the construction of scenarios, it becomes very easy to manage the lighting, the heating, the programming of the household appliances or the automation of the opening of shutters and blinds etc.

The advantage of a smart health connected lock like Hi) presented at CES 2017 is that it combines automation and security. With a simple look at the smartphone or any screen, it becomes possible to know who is at the door and to open remotely. What greatly simplify things for people with motor disabilities or deafness. They can be notified automatically through their phone that someone is at the door.

Drug distributor

Thinking about taking one's medication and treatment can sometimes be a matter of life and death. When you are in a situation of handicap, it is a constraint that is added to the others. It is to try to solve this problem that smart health connected objects start surfing this wave. Among them, Pillo. This robot that recognizes you with voice and sight (perfectly suited for people with mutism). It helps you remember the medications you need to take, can answer your health questions and most importantly can you get in touch with a doctor.

The Leka Interactive Robot

The Leka companion robot is intended to help autistic children and their families. 650,000 people would be affected by this disease in France according to specialists. We know that it is possible to make great progress if it is taken into account from childhood. That's where Leka comes in. An autistic child sees his sensory stimulation being increased tenfold and this can make it difficult for him to understand his environment. The robot uses the techniques generally used by doctors: strengthen its senses, one by one. He intervenes with lights, music or vibrations. Simple and interactive, it allows children to develop in a stable environment. It also supports parents by putting them in touch with health specialists. It is still possible to pre-order it on Indiegogo. Count around 490 euros and delivery early next year.

A telemonitoring bracelet

It is the most obvious accessory but also the most indispensable in health home automation for the disabled. It is necessary for both a disabled person and an elderly person. This is the key to fostering health home care while avoiding taking unnecessary risks. With a simple pressure, it is possible to prevent the rescue, his relatives … It exists in the form of bracelet (can be integrated in a smartwatch) but also simple medallion, then revealing more discreet. Most models are waterproof so there is no need to remove it when washing. Among the basic functions, check whether it incorporates including a fall detector that can trigger an automatic alarm.

Some models can also answer the phone with a simple pressure, it should soon be possible to connect to the opening of a door for example. Count on average € 100 for the bracelet and its receiver box.
