How to remove skin tags? | Health Magazine

“I didn’t know it was called acrochordons, but I have more and more of them on my neck and in my armpits,” says Claire, 44. And I hate that! Frankly, in the neck, I feel like an old turkey. And above all, I wonder: will I necessarily have more and more, with age? »

Benign connective tissue tumors

To take stock, we asked for explanations from Dr. Ludovic Rousseau, dermatologist, present on the site “Les acrochordons sont des benign connective tissue tumors resembling frequent growths of flesh in the folds (neck, under the arms, armpits, upper thighs, etc.) and on the eyelids. »

Can we touch it alone without danger?

The answer is no because the eye of the specialist is essential: “Before doing anything about it, you have to make sure that it is not other tumors such as moles or cancers. of the skin, by consulting a dermatologist, answers Ludovic Rousseau. Once the diagnosis is made by the doctor, you should know that a number of them can fall spontaneously by “thrombosis”. »

What happens to make them fall off on their own? It is most often during a trauma, even minimal, for example for the neck a little more lively friction with a garment. They then become red and painful, then black (necrosis) and fall off on their own. Some people promote this thrombosis by twisting them or even making a knot with thread at their base. Better to have them removed by the doctor.

At the dermatologist, the solutions

In the specialist’s medical office, several techniques are possible:

  • The destruction by cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) or laser.

  • Excision, most often by means of a scalpel electric or surgical scissors.

And if, like Claire at the beginning of the article, you fear having more and more of them… unfortunately it’s a general trend, skin tags often occur with age, without our being able to really prevent their appearance.

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