How to secure your internet payments with Fortuneo?


How to secure your internet payments with Fortuneo?

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Although very cautious, since sensitized for a very long time on the subject within the framework of my work, I had the unpleasant experience to undergo two frauds à la carte blue a few years ago. To remedy this I looked for a reliable and secure solution: for a little over two years I use online banking Fortuneo, which offers really interesting features about it.

I. Fraud on the bank card

My first fraud occurred via Microsoft services: a person bought a license for 275 € using my credit card. After contacting Microsoft about this, it turned out that my card number was being used on 5 different accounts in their database. Problem: I had never paid anything by card at Microsoft, since my Microsoft 360 subscription is paid via Paypal! After explanations, Microsoft agreed to refund the amount, and the card number was removed from all incriminated accounts.

The second fraud occurred on the DJI website: this time a person was delivered two UAVs in the US, for an amount of more than $ 2,000! Fortunately, having a contact at DJI through the site, the order was canceled the next day.

In both cases the story ended well, but it is still a very unpleasant experience, between the cold sweats, the proceedings, sometimes the filing of a complaint to the gendarmerie, etc.

I take many precautions when I pay on the internet. Secure site (with green padlock in the address bar), well known site, dual authentication, no card number registered on merchant sites, etc. But in reality, even without ever showing his card, it is possible to be defrauded: the realization of a small program to generate valid card numbers is relatively easy to achieve. It's enough that the program accidentally generates your card number, and that's not luck for you: / These frauds are exploding, and affected more than a million households last year. In other words, the risk is present.

II. Protect your payments on the internet

When I searched for more security, I came across online banking Fortuneo. Fortuneo is a subsidiary of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, a well-known bank, and therefore not yet another virtual bank out of the hat.

It offers the same benefits as many online banks today, as I had already presented to you with So on a few years ago: creating a free account in minutes online, no fees, free credit card, mobile application for the follow-up of his accounts, etc. Different cards are available: Classic Mastercard, Gold, Black, American Express, immediate or deferred debit, etc. Perso I had opted for the MasterCard Gold deferred debit, which covers me in many situations (including travel abroad), and allows me to get my business expense refunds before even expenses are debited. Very convenient ! In addition to the current bank account, it is possible to subscribe savings books, stock exchange account, life insurance, real estate credit, etc. In short, comprehensive services, worthy of a real bank.

I will not go into detail of the creation of an account, it is done in minutes online, very easily. It will of course provide some evidence, classic for this kind of operation. The type of payment card will simply be subject to a minimum income (an American Express Platinum will ask you for example to justify a minimum income of 65 000. Reassure you, the classic mastercard and Gold ask respective incomes of 1200 and 1800 Note that this is only a proof, there is no obligation to pay his salary on this Fortuneo account, especially if it is a secondary account for you).

The management of the account is done via the mobile application or the web interface. Again, very traditional: tracking expenses and income, free transfers from one account to another, etc.

As it is a modern bank, Fortuneo also offers payment by Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay, Fitbit Pay and Garmin Pay, the latter two to pay in contactless thanks to its sports watch.

What interests us more particularly here is the management of the payment card. The application offers several options:

  • Internet protection: activated, this protection prohibits any payment on the internet. Loud and clear. If a payment is made on the internet with this card, it will be immediately refused. To pay on the internet, it will then use a virtual card number, which we will see later. Only payments to the SNCF and hotels will be accepted: these services usually require to present the payment card once there, to find the reservation or withdraw his tickets, which is obviously not possible with a card Virtual. With this option, we already protect ourselves from the type of fraud that I have had in the past.

  • Contactless payment: The ability to pay without contact can be activated or deactivated with one click. Even if this type of payment is practical, in terms of security many people do not want it, many having been charged their card at a distance: /

  • Use abroad: an interesting additional protection, which prohibits any use of its card outside France, which further limits the risks a little. You can of course authorize it with a single click, which I did in fact to go to the United States recently. Once activated, Fortuneo also offers us to receive a notification for any expense made abroad: practice for example in restaurants in the US where the waitress leaves the counter with your card to cash, no code being necessary, the magnetic tape is still used much there. Many have been charged unauthorized amounts in this way. Here a notification is immediately issued with the amount, so no more surprises.

With these protections activated, it becomes very difficult to be defrauded his card. However, if like me you make a lot of purchases on the internet, this may seem too restrictive? Do not worry, payments on the internet remain perfectly usable, but via virtual blue cards. The principle is simple: in the application, you ask to make a secure payment: you then indicate the amount of the transaction, and the validity period of the card. The application will generate a credit card number, with validity date and cryptogram, just like a real classic card:

The only difference is that you can specify a very short validity date (one month), and it will not be possible to debit on this card more than the amount you have indicated (here 45 € for example) , which will limit any overflow. If a card number is compromised on a poorly secured service, it will only affect this service, and for a limited amount.

Personally I use this means of payment for absolutely everything:

  • for a one-time purchase, I create a new card with the necessary amount and the duration that I consider minimum (when sometimes the card is debited with the expedition and that this one takes place two months after the order, it is necessary to envisage a date longer validity)

  • great user of Amazon, and its ease of purchase, I am however against the fact that the company records every time my credit card! It is certainly practical, but after two frauds, I do not leave my number anywhere. I therefore credit my Amazon account regularly. For this, I create a virtual card of 100 € for example, and I credit my Amazon account with this card. I then delete the card from my Amazon account, since it will not be valid anyway. From there I have 100 € credited to my Amazon account, which I can use anytime via the purchase in one click if I want. It is certainly money that "sleeps" at Amazon, but rarely very long: p

  • for subscriptions, it works as well. For example for Netflix, I created a virtual card of € 168, valid for 12 months. Every month, Netflix comes to charge $ 13.99. I know that this card is only used by Netflix, and if there was any fraud with the streaming service, at most I would be impacted by 160 €.

All these created cards are visible in the application, with date of creation, date of validity, name of the shop having used it, and the remaining amount available on it (we see for example below that there remains 138 € for my subscription Synology C2).

Clicking on it deletes a virtual map at any time. So we have total control over it.

III. Conclusion

This virtual credit card system, combined with the protection authorized by Fortuneo, makes it possible to really secure its payments, and sleep better on both sides Fortuneo is not the only bank to offer this type of virtual card, but banks offering the possibility are quite few. Fortuneo has the advantage of offering it, with modern features, no running costs, and an indisputable seriousness. If you are looking to secure your account, this is an option to know

Note that in recent days, the bank has decided to remove the costs abroad: normally when you pay or withdraw money abroad, you get a fixed commission and a percentage of assembly paid. Now the transactions abroad will not cost you anything, which is not negligible!

IV. Sponsorship

Like many online banks, Fortuneo offers sponsorship offers. For you, it will be 130 € offered at the opening of your account until October 31, which is always good to take. For me, it varies between 80 and 110 €, depending on the offers of the moment. If the offer interests you, do not hesitate to use my sponsor code 12792958you will have the welcome bonus, and you will help the blog with a little income to buy new products to Review

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